Chapter 28

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We walk through the bent metal and painted canvases. (Y/n) would stare intently at the works with a slight nod. The artists that made these are defiently talented.

"Ooh, that's pretty." (Y/N) pointed at a chandelier made from gold and colored glass that represented the elements.

"Yeah." Courage, Mako! Courage! I clear my throat lightly. "'U-hm. Like you." My cheeks instantly heat up as I make a cheesey line. I stared long enough at (Y/N) to see her reaction. Her (e/c) eyes widen and her cheeks were red hot from the compliment.

"Um, thanks." She looks down at her feet shyly for a bit before returning her gaze to the art.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -um- embrass you-" I try apologizing. The truth was... I was embarrassed for saying that out loud. She probably thinks we are just friends...

"No-no, you didn't embrass me." (Y/N) smiles. "Your not to bad looking yourself." We quickly meet gazes again before darting our eyes away.

"Thanks." I bite my lip lightly as I turn my head away, feeling a wiggle of pride for my looks.

We continue to look at the art in - at first- awkward slience that slowly became comfortable.

After an hour or two, we finished looking at the mesusem and went to the noodle shop I suggested earlier.

The noodles were served and (y/n) chowed down as if she hadn't had a real meal for days.

"I liked the one painting of the elements." I refer back to the gallery, trying to start a conversation. (Y/n) finishes slurping a bite of her hot noodles.

"I liked the chandelier the best. They were all good. But, that one was the most memerable." She responds with slick lips.

She licks her lips with small smile and a dazed look, as if she was remebering it.

Her (e/c) flicked to mine. A shiver goes down my spine. I give a goofy smile and blush, looking down at my bowl that held the steaming meal.

"So, Hasook may not be on the team any longer. Everytime we have a match, he blows up. He seems like he doesn't care and barely pulls effort during practice."

(Y/n) POV

You almost choke on your noodles. Is he trying to recruit me? You swallow and take a sip of your ice water.

"Any ways... I was thinking... Since your a great water bender and level headed... I was wondering, if you would like to join the Fire Ferrets if Hasook doesn't get his act together." Mako gives you a hopeful smile.

You spit your water back into your cup, not wanting to make a mess. Mako leans back a little bit, shocked by your reaction.

"About that... Hasook came to me earlier with a hurt ego that I shouldn't come to the matches anymore or else..." You fade out for a second. "You know, I actually can't remember if his threat was a clear or vauge thing..."

It was Mako's turn to spit water. But this time, it was all over on you and the table.

You gasp and Mako reddens with emmbarssment. "I'm so sorry." You bend the mouth water from everything and put it in your now empty bowl.

"No, it's fine." You chuckle, silently thanking your stomach for finishing the food before Mako did anything.

"He threatened you?" Mako sighs. "I know he said something about you but I wasn't really listening. I just block him out when he complains to much. It messes up my brain and I get too angered. Then that messes up my performance in the match." He shrugs once but his voice was thick with concern.

"Yeah. But don't take it too serious. I don't think he is a person to keep a threat." You brush it off with a slight chuckle.

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter

Sorry for any errors like spelling, grammar, or facts.

Thank you for reading my story :)

I just need to fix up a few things on the newest story featuring Korra and I am going to post it.

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