Chapter 35

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The game was great. The opposing team were brutally beaten and lost all the rounds. Their team couldn't get it together. Mako beamed with pride as Bolin and Hasook cheered.

You thought it wouldn't go well because of all the fighting. You look at the time. 9:30. It was getting late. Tezin and Pema would probably worry. Just a few minutes with Mako wouldn't hurt....

You make your way to the room they rested in. You were about to enter when Mako steps out. "(Y/n)! I was going to look for you!" You blush and shrug.

"You did a great job out there." You congratulate the firebender. Mako's turn pink. He struggles for words but you saved him. "I wanted to congratulate you and get going." You give a nervous chuckle. "I think Tezin and Pema would worry if I'm out too late." You quickly add in when you see Mako's shocked face.

"Could I walk you home? We haven't been together for a week." You blush and give a slight nod.

"That would be nice."

You went out the next day to your job at the tea shop. Everything would be normal except for the fact a fight broke out in the street. When you heard it was the Triple Triads, you quickly hid under the counter, scarred by your childhood.

You can hear crashing and shouts. You thought you heard Korra's voice but you shrugged it off because she was still at the South Pole.

The sirens of the police start to go off and you start to relax. They'll be gone and no damage will come to the shop. Just then a huge crash breaks through the walls. People scream, mixing in with your own shriek.

You look over the counter to see a satomobile had crashed into the shop. The people in the car were easily captured by the police. You duck back down and waited for the scene to be clear.

You step outside to see the full damage. The street was a mess and people were crowding in confusion. The shop keeper comes up to you with a grim face. "(Y/n). The tea shop is going to be closed for a long time. I'm releasing everyone of their duties for now. I'll contact you when it's fully restored." You nod.

"It's okay." You give a quick hug and started to head back to the island. You pass by the police station and see Tezin entering. That's odd... You rush after the airbending master. "Tezin!" You call for him.

He stops and turns around at the sound of his name. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

"Well, the tea shop was destroyed by a fight in the street and so I was let go until further notice. And then I see you going to the station and thought it must be very serious if you have to come down to the station."

"Well, it is quite serious. Apparently the avatar is in Republic City." Tezin continues to walk up the steps you follow. Your heart was beating fast at the news.

"You mean Korra is here?! Why would you be going to the station—" you cut your self off. "I thought I heard Korra when the fight was going on. I didn't take it seriously because I thought I was just imaginating things!" You were happy. Ecstatic.

"Why didn't she write for warning? I'm glad that you allowed her to come after all. I don't think the problems will get to her. They are not that serious that she needs to be kept in hiding. And even if it was, she would still have to come so her experience can grow." Tenzin looks at you with a weird face.

"Um, actually, about that. I didn't invite her to come. This is on her own accord. And I have send her back." You stopped walking, frozen in your tracks.


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