Chapter 31

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Your POV

You sit down beside Jinora. You didn't want to close your eyes, the scene was too beautiful. But since you are training with the techniques of an airbender, you had to go with the same process.

You close your eyes with a silent breath. "Breath in deeply through your nose and let it go out of your mouth at a slow pace. Let your mind become empty and silent." She instructs calmly.

You nod and begin the meditation.  But it didn't work. You kept peeking your eyes and looking around. You wanted to explore and witness the pure nature(something you could never do in the city of Republic City).

"(Y/n)! Focus! You can't become an airbender if you don't have patience!" Your head quickly swivel back to Jinora. Her brows were furrowed tightly. You redden slightly with embarrassment.

"Sorry." You meekly apologize and roll your shoulders back, sitting up straighter, to meditate.

After what seemed like for ever, you finally had a clear mind. But then it was ruined by your thought: SWWEEEEET! I FINALLY DID IT!

You quickly push out your own voice and listened to the birds chirping in the lush trees and bushes. The wind blew, ruffling your hair and clothes.

I wonder how it feels like to bend air and fly in the air... (y/n), you need to focus!

You didn't dare speak, afraid your teacher will get mad at you. But you wanted to know how long this session was suppose to last.

You were about to say something but then a sudden change in the wind stops you. It felt——different. You open your eyes at the uneasy feeling in your stomach.

Dark clouds were gathering and you let out a gasp. Jinora had felt the change too and exchanged a worried glance with you. "We should start to head back now. It looks like this is going to be a bad storm. I don't want your parents to worry." You stand up quickly.

Jinora joins you and nods silently. "Yeah, I don't like this feeling. I think we should hurry." You both started on the long path. You almost tripped a couple time due it's down hill slope.

A cold drop lands on your hand, telling you the storm is almost over head. At first, the rain came at a sprinkle. But it shortly turned to a down pour. You would have mad a shield to protect you from the freezing water, but since you were focused on running, you couldn't.

The pair of you were soaked to the bone by the time you get to the end of the trail. "Why is it suddenly raining?!" You half scream. Jinora looks back at you and shrugs.

"Does it look like I know?!" She screams back. Soon you both enter the temple, leaving big puddles of water wherever you go. You and Jinora exchange looks and suddenly burst into laughter.

"I didn't realize how fun it was to be in the rain!" Jinora hold onto her stomach as she laughs. You look back out the door and sigh happily. You pull all the water away from you and Jinora with experience of a waterbender.

"I almost forgot what dryness feels like." Jinora fixes her hair. You smile. Your mind racing. It's been forever since you have been in the rain. You wanted to experience it again.

"Jinora! (Y/n)! We are going into the city. Do you want to accompany us?" Tenzin asks as the rest of the family of airbenders come into the Hall of the temple.

"Um, we were actually planning an all day training session." Jinora looks up at her father. He nods, agreeing.

"Okay, we have to go now before the storm gets any worse. Don't go outside if it's raining too hard. I don't want you guys to get sick."

"Oh my gosh! This is too much FUN!" Jinora squeals as she splashes in another puddle. You laugh and bend an octopus stance. You pull Jinora's sleeve slightly with a tentacle when she was turned away from you.

She gasps and turns your way. "You want to have a fight?" You smirk and got ready for a duel.

"That's why I tugged your sleeve."

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