Chapter 11

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You smile and introduce yourself.  

"Where are your parents?" You question with concern. He pulls his hand back and turns away. 

"Who cares?" He spits out bitterly.

"Your hand isn't done." You back step the conversation. The boy angrily thrusts back his hand behind him. 

You continue to heal him. You look at his arm and almost stop the healing. Week old bruises seemed to be covered with dirt that matched his dark skin tone.

You gulp audibly. "I see..." You start a sentence. 

"Don't bother teaching me. I don't care anymore." It feels like a slap in the face.  You stay silent.  "They don't want me to be a bender. I was an orphan and they took me in, but I didn't know that..." he fades out.

You look at his neck and see there are hand marks around it. You wanted to take the kid and keep him safe. 


"Let go of me!" You, age twelve, scream as a man dragged you into a small, dirty room where you was suppose to 'love him' by the neck. 

Today was suppose to be your 'first day'. You were the only survivor out of the group of girls who were captured a few years ago. Your plan didn't work and you were all beaten. It was a massacre. 

Lok only saved you so he can emotionally torture your mother. The man chuckles humorlessly. "I paid good money for you, b***h!" He slaps you and you fall to the ground. 

Instinctively, you blood bend him. He screams in pain. "F you!" You scream back and force his neck to the left and he falls onto his back.

His neck wasn't fully broken, holding on to life. 


"They are Equalist. The first time I discovered I had bending, they locked me in my room in the back for three days without giving me any acknowledgement. They finally took me out, saying they found me on the streets when I was an infant. They told me I was a freak and if they were going to love me, I couldn't do bending." his pitched voice shook with sorrow.

You continue to heal.

"Of course I was little then, I wanted their love. So, I stopped and didn't want anything to do with it. Even though I stopped, they still beat me. Don't feed me. The only time I feel loved is when I make a sale. They tell me that they love me. Each time I fall for it." his thin body shakes with anger.

The hand is done but you silently move to his arm, he doesn't notice.

"Then these two men break in and I'm alone, my parents gone for a party in Ba Sing Se, and they hurt me. Then I see you, fighting, with water. It sparks hope in me! I want to be like you. A powerful water bender." Kauo looks back suddenly and catches you healing his bruises.

You both gasp at the same time. 

"Take me with you!"


This is a very short chapter(sorry) I just wanted you guys to read more than one chapter from for ever! There may be errors, don't be afraid to point it out, I'll fix it! 

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