Chapter 8

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Mako scoots over to you and rests a heated hand on your shoulder. The spot where his hand was, was hot and took much self control to not leap into his arms.

Your heart was racing and your skin was shivering. "W-w-who saved me?" You stuttered out with a violent shudder.

"Hasook did. He was the one who decided to go after you." Mako's voice was low and melted your ears with pleasure. You look up at Hasook who started wick away the water from both himself and you. The blob plopped into the freezing water.

You instantly felt warmer now that all of the bone chilling water was extracted from your hair, skin, and clothes. "Thank you." Was the only phrase you could say before closing your eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

Mako POV

Hasook had went home and my brother and I finally reached the stairs to the attic. (Y/n) started to mumbled something in her deep sleep. "Let me go... put me down..." she started to squirm in Bolin's arms. Her small cries became screaming demands. She began to writhe violently. Her fist brutally punched Bolin in the face before he could react to anything.

He fell backwards by the swift, strong blow and dropped her. She automatically went still.

"Bolin? (Y/n)?" I was so shocked I could only get the two words out.

My mind was racing, heart was pounding and I just stood there, staring at the still water bender and the struggling earth bender.

I rush to (Y/n) and got her off of Bolin, who's skin was red in the spots (y/n) hit him. I then checked if anything was broken. Fourtantly, nothing was broken, but there could be serious brusing.

"You okay, Bo?" I ask him by one of my nicknames I gave him.

"Well, I had always had a helmet on when I get knocked down by a waterbender," he jokes while brushing off. "But this isn't probending and getting hit with limited waterbending. My face is either numb or throbbing but I can't tell at the moment." His green eyes glowed with humor mixed with pain.

I patted his back. "Let's just get her to the couch at least." We make a move to pick her up but the moment I touched her ankle, her leg flew and kicked me right between the legs.

I drop and groan in pain. Bolin laughs and falls to the floor as well, rolling back and forth, trying to get a hold of his laughter.

Soon the pain passed and Bolin was staring at the ceiling, giggling every once in awhile,waiting for me.

"Bolin, could you get a couple of earth discs so it could form a bed and we could transfer her like that?" I stood up and fixed my hair along with my scarf.

"That is a brilliant idea, Mako." He stated with a half smile. "But how are we going to get her on the make shift bed? She kicked you in the.... And you.... So, yeah." He faded out at the end trying to control his upcoming laughter.

I flick a spark of a flame at him. "Well, we can't just leave her at the end of the stairs."

The conversation ended and Bolin left. I looked over at (y/n), she seemed peaceful.

But I know she is faceing something terrible inside.

Soon Bolin came back with the makeshift bed. "Okay, on the count of three we will roll her over onto the bed and take her up the stairs that way." Bolin stated as he bendied the earth discs into a flat board.

We looked around and saw nobody coming. It was dead still. The only sound was our breathing.

"One." I started.

We prepared to push.

"Two." Bolin mummured.

Hands hovering over her.

"Three." We both whimpered as we shoved her onto the bed. She kicked for a second but we jumped out of the way.

Her frount was now on the board with her back facing up. She started to fidgit slightly.

"I hope she is okay..." Bolin commented quietly before bending the bed up the stairs, I followed closely behind.

We were now in the attic with no other problems occuring.

Bolin shifted the bed at an angle, (y/n) slid off and plopped onto the couch. She looked like she made herself at home and very comfortable on the lumpy cushions.

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