High School Love

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It was the seventh period transition into the eighth period class, and the last class of the day. Karla was just about to open her locker when she heard someone call her name from behind,

Ivan: "Karla, Sunflower!"

Karla: "Ivan?"

Ivan: "Glad I caught you!"

Karla: "Ivan, we saw each other at lunch! How could we not catch each other?"

Ivan: "Well, at that time a I forgot to give you something! Last week, you gave me money to buy that drink for me when my money somehow went missing... So~ I'm paying you back with some Poopsi!"

Karla: *gasps* "Aww, you are too sweet! You really didn't have to."

Ivan: "I mean, you pay for literally everyone and refuse to let them pay you back!"

Karla: "PFFT, no I don't!"

Elizabeta: "Hey Karla, I have two dollars for when you paid for my candy!"


Ivan: *giggles* "See?"

Karla: "Shut up! Hey, where are you going?! Ivan, get back here!!!"

Karla started chasing after a laughing Ivan as soon as she put her Poopsi can away and closed her locker door. They passed by Moses and Tzipporah who were standing by their lockers,

Moses: "So... The reason the Earth doesn't pull right into the Sun is because of gravity... As with the Moon, it's the same thing."


Moses: "And what is a solar eclipse again?! Is it when the moon goes in front of the sun, or something?"

Tzipporah: "Well, you know how specific your answers have to be to get the best grade possible in Ms. Peacock's class! But it is true. I would say that a solar eclipse is when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun and casts a shadow on the Earth's surface."

Moses: "And a penumbra is the center of a shadow?"

Tzipporah: "No, that's the umbra! The penumbra is the outline of the shadow."

Moses: "Man, I'm gonna fail this test!"

Tzipporah: "Aww, you're just overthinking things!"

Moses: "You know everything, so you are definitely going to pass! This was just so sudden, and it's hard to keep everything in your brain. Plus, I only got six hours of sleep last night!"

Tzipporah: "Thankfully, your Desert Flower bought you some candy to cheer you up!"

Moses: "You are the best! Thank you!!!"

Tzipporah: "You're welcome, darling~!"


Garroth was casually walking down the halls at the end of the day until he rounded a corner - where he was bombarded by a group of girls.

Girl #1: "Garroth, you are so handsome!!!"

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