Chapter 9: She's pregant

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I curl father into the blanket as the warmth in cases me. All of sudden the blanket is yanked away from my warm body. I sat up and glared daggers at Ryan. "RYAN! Your so going to regret that." I say angrily, his eyes sparkle with laughter. "Is that a challenge?" He raised his eyebrows at me I swear lasers were shooting out of my eyes. "Give me back the blanket it's cold." I whine out as a shiver goes down my back.

Goosebumps scatter across my skin, "Aww are you cold?" He says in a baby voice nobody should wake up like this. I wanted my blanket! I slowly crawled off the bed. And stood right in front of him, I crack my knuckles if he wanted a fight he was going to get one. "You know what I'm not cold anymore." I say in a sensible voice his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. "What are you playing at?" He ask questionably. I shrug my shoulders and give him a smile, "Nothing I'm just not cold anymore."

I take a step closer as he takes a step back from me. "You afraid?" I scoff out as my arms cross over my chest. "What!? No why would I be scared of someone so small." My eyes darken, get him make him pay. Cora said playfully my feet jump in motion. As I tackle him down to the ground. He made a mph sound before we were both laying on the ground.

"What are you doing?" He ask in shock I swing my leg around his torso and straddle him. "You stole my blanket and food! I don't know who you think you are and I don't care if your my mate. But you seriously got to stop breaking the main code rules." I say as I smack him in the chest. A sudden rumble vibrates my body as a laugh comes out of him.

"Get off I got to go." He whines out in a baby voice I roll my eyes. "Nope." I say popping the p. "Your stubborn you know that?" I nod my head in agreement and lay my head on his chest. His arms wrap around me and a sigh comes out of my mouth. "I love you." The words just came out my mind wasn't thinking about what I was saying.

His body tenses underneath me and his arms moved away from my body. I felt colder then when he took my blanket without him. "I need to go I'll have someone deliver food for you. Don't leave the room." He says as he moves me off his lap. My mouth was hanging open like a fish I just couldn't get the words out. "I'm...please don't be mad."

I say in a whisper but he didn't stop moving he went to the door. "I'll see you later. I think it'll be better if we get separate rooms starting tonight." My heart was beating out of my chest. What have I done? I'm such an idiot I shouldn't have said that. We just came to the conclusion that we would work on our relationship.

And I messed it up with my big mouth and with my feelings. He shuts the door as tears come down my face. I wipe them away quickly, and go take a shower. I need something to clear my thoughts. But I couldn't stop thinking of him. What happens if he goes back to Elizabeth? So they love each other? There must have been a past with them. A sudden pain makes its way to my stomach. I hunch over as the water cascades down my back.

He's with her, tears went down my face for hours as I sat in the shower in pain. By the time the pain calmed down my skin was wrinkly. I try to stand up but my legs were weak my stomach did a flip flop before I vomited all over the shower. Great this is just perfect I thought to myself as I climbed out of the shower. After I got myself dressed and cleaned the shower. I put all my clothes into my bag and started to head out the door.

I wasn't going to stay for this bull crap if he wanted her then fine he could have her.
I stomp down the stairs and fling open the door. I didn't care who saw me I didn't care about anything. Except him I cared about him which made me angry. I didn't want to care about him I didn't want him. I wanted to hate him with everything in my body. I wanted too but I couldn't I loved him.

But he didn't love me he showed me that today. Who could ever love a rogue? My parents didn't my Mate didn't I don't even think the moon goddess dose. I was almost pass the boarders that separate his pack to the outside world. Arms grab me and I was pulled behind a tree. I look up to see a girl with blonde hair and strikingly beautiful blue eyes. "Ivy." She says in a soft fragile voice. Who was she? Cora asked skeptically, "Who are you?"

My voice comes out weak and croaky my face was probably still red and blotchy from the crying. "Your friend. Ivy I need you to listen to me okay. Don't leave Ryan he needs you as much as you need him." She said as she looked side to side to see if anybody could hear us. She wasn't my friend I've never met her in my life.

"Your not my friend I don't even know you now how do you know my name? Are you one of Ryan's lovers?" I ask accusingly a smile reached her gorgeous face, "I wouldn't call myself that. But my names Elizabeth." My eyes I was guessing turned darker because fear overcame her features. "Your Elizabeth?" I spitted our in disgust. She was beautiful and gentle everything I'm not. Insecurities clawed at my mind no wonder he wanted her.

"I'm so sorry but Ryan needs you. I just wanted you to know that before you made your decision to leave." I roll my eyes I was on the edge of falling, "He wants you not me." She shakes her head which makes her straight blonde hair move in a gentle way. Why dose she have to be so perfect? "I do have to admit I do love him. But he found his mate and I'm not going to get in the way of that."

Something didn't feel right about this situation. She was confronting me for what? To tell me that Ryan loves me and she loves Ryan? I don't want to be in a love triangle but yet here we are. "Ivy" a distant voice which was Ryan's shouted out in the distant. "I need to go." Elizabeth said as she looked behind to see if she could see Ryan she looked at me one more time before running off. I watched her as she jumped over trees and swatted bugs away from her face.

"There you are I thought you were gone for good." Ryan says breathlessly as he comes up near me. I shift away from his body this felt wrong something wasn't right but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Ivy let's not talk about it right now. Let's go home." He said as he reached for my hand I pulled away out of his touch. "Don't touch me." I walk away from him, back towards the pack house.

Cora why do I feel like this? I ask as I made my way through the trail that led to the pack house. Ryan was following behind but I was glad he was keeping his distance. She's pregnant, the words make me stop in my tracks. Pregnant...Elizabeth was pregnant that's why I felt weird. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked as he came up towards me all I could say was no.

Authors Note
Hello Storytellers,
How's everyday going?
Is anybody sick? If so I hope you guys get better. I'm sick and I lost my voice soooo I guess I'll be writing a lot more:)
I left you guys at a cliffhanger 😲 I'll try to post soon so you guys know what happen.
See you all in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment.

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