Chapter 6:Not enough

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"Let me go!" I say sternly as I try to push his arms away from my body. "Listen to me. Your not suppose to be here at all. He's going to kick you out soon. He's with another girl right now. Your going to feel it in a few minutes." He said in a sad voice my eyebrows rise up in confusion. Who the heck dose this guy think he is. "Who are you? Ahhh." A sharp pain spreads down my spine I hunch over as I try to control my breathing.

"Make it stop." I cry out as I was now huddled on the ground in a ball crying. His arms wrapped around me but that didn't help at all. "I can't...I'm sorry Luna." I shake my head, the pain gets more unbearable I stand up on wobbly knees and run to the door. I throw it open and start to run which helps with the pain. I could hear that this crazy man was chasing after me, "Leave me alone! I'm leaving"

I shout at the top of my lungs I could tell his footsteps faltered. But as he grew slower I grew faster each step I took the pain slipped away and the tears went dry. Just a little more father. You can do this Ivy. Where's are mate? I heard Cora ask in a confused voice.

He betrayed us so we're leaving for awhile. She growled in response remembering the pain. She must have passed out during it. We're leaving him for tonight make him wonder. But tomorrow we're going back.  Okay, I walk until there was no longer the sun in the sky. The moon showered down it's bright light on me as I walked. I fell down next to a tree as exhaustion hit me. I close my eyes before I could fully fall asleep I heard my name being called from the depths of the woods.

My eyelids fling open and I sit up looking around to where the noise could have come from. I smelt him, mint filled my sense I stood up waiting for him to come. I was angry and he was going to get my wrath. Don't forget me!  Never I say back to Cora. He comes into my view he looked....distressed.

My eyebrows pull together in confusion relief spreads across his face as he spots me. He walks my way but I take a step back as I grew angrier. "Ivy.." I cut him off before he could finish, "No! Who do you think you are? Why....why would you do that to me?" Tears go down my face, I wanted to be strong but yet here I am being weak.

I wipe them away ferociously, "Ivy I'm sorry." He said in a forced voice I was beyond mad now. I shake my head and I felt Cora starting to come out. I knew my eyes blanked. Suddenly I was in wolf form I look at Ryan through Cora's eyes. He looks scared? Cora laughed I shook my head.

Cora don't do anything stupidMe do something stupid? He's the stupid one! I nod my head in agreement, Cora let me take control. I stood up off the ground he handed me his shirt. I shoot daggers at him, "Ivy I don't know what to say. But I don't want to be your mate."

My heart tore at his words, "What did I do wrong to make you not want me?" My words felt heavy coming out of my throat. Nobody's ever wanted me, why was I so stupid to believe my own Mate would want me. I look up at him through my long lashes, his face screwed up in confusion as he thought up an answer. But I don't think I wanted to hear it, "Your just...not enough."

Authors Note
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