Chapter 8:broke the main code rule

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We walked back to the pack house where he was keeping me. He shut the door behind him then slapped himself. I looked at him shocked, "You know I think if you were mad at yourself you could have let me slap you." I say as I start to giggle he glares at me as a smile reaches to the corners of his mouth. "Very funny but that's not why I did that. I forgot you haven't eaten anything at all today. I'll go run down and get you some food stay here." I shake my head and reach for his arm to stop him.

"No I'm fine really I'm not even hungry." I say as I smile his eyebrows scrunch together, "What? Are you crazy I can't even go without food for a day." A laugh comes out of my mouth, "Your a growing boy. Of course you can't go without eating." He pulls my hand closer to his chest and puts some of my brown hair behind my ear. "I think I'm all grown up. I'm tall and strong and I don't need no more vegetables." I burst out laughing pulling my hand away to cover up my mouth.

"Sure you are. Now I'm going to go take a shower." I tell him as I walk out of his grip and towards the bathroom. As I reach for the door knob I was pushed against the door. "Save some warm water for me." I shake my head as a smile was on my mouth. "I'm not the one that takes hours in the shower that's you silly." He turns me over to were I was now facing him. "What! I do not I think your getting me confused with yourself." I pull out of his grip and open the door, "Bye Ryan I'll see you in a little bit." I sing song as I shut the door behind me and climb into the shower.

"You left your kiss like a bruise on my lips. Your fingertips are tattooed on my skin. And hush now,don't cry, build your walls up high. And don't you dare come creeping in. Cause you're the one that I can't lose. You're the one that I can't win" I sing out the soft lyrics from Beautifully Unfinished by Ella Henderson. I climb out of the shower and dry myself off when I open the door I smell the most delicious thing I've ever smelt.

My stomach growls I slowly walk out still in my towel. Their sat chicken noodle soup! My favorite I run over to it and sit on the bed and immediately eat away. "Well looks like someone was right. You were hungry you didn't even get dressed." Ryan barks out a laugh I glare at him through a mouth full of noodles, "Don't judge, this is my favorite." He raises his hands up in the air to show me that he wasn't judging. He rummaged through my bag and handed me my pajama shorts that were black with a long white t-shirt with some panties.

"Thanks." I mumble out as my cheeks turn bright red. I grab them and head back into the bathroom and get dressed. I come back out to see Ryan finishing off my food. A growl escapes my mouth, "Who do you think you are eating my food mister!" I yell as a smile crosses his face he sets the bowl down on the nightstand and moves his hand in a gesture for me to come closer to him.

"No you ate my food. And didn't even ask that's like the only main code rule to never break." I say in a serious voice but he started laughing I couldn't help the smile that came across my face. "Your so cute and funny when your angry." I roll my eyes as I was now starting to get irritated, "Sure you weren't saying that when we were in the woods." His smile faltered but he put it back on after a few minutes. I climb on the big fluffy bed and underneath the blankets. "Night." I yell out as I stated to snuggle into the pillows.

Big warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards his hard chest. "Night." He says as he kisses my forehead. I instantly fall to asleep in the comfort of my mates arms around me. We had a chance and for that I was going to fight with all I have, I need him even if he doesn't need me. And I wasn't going to let Elizabeth take him away or anyone for that matter. I made a promise to myself that night and I was going to make sure i didn't break it.

Authors Note
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