Chapter 7: not enough time

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Your not enough echoed around in my head. Those words....will forever haunt me. My wolf went quiet, I felt so bad for her and me. I wasn't mad I was just so sad, "What's her name?" I ask even though I shouldn't have it will make things worse. But some part of me wanted to know.

"Elizabeth." I nod my head the name came out of his lips so easily it made me want to tear his throat out. But then again I didn't want to hurt him. "You love her?" I ask as I start to become numb he looks at me distantly like he's trying to be careful of what he says. But I didn't want him to be careful I wanted to know the truth. Even through now and days I regretted the truth. "Not yet." A smile spreads across my face but I let it slip away as fast as it came. Not wanting him to see it.

I still have a chance, right? Yes! Cora! I knew you would be back. I was just sad that's all but we still have a chance. I nod I look back up at him. I hated myself for loving him but how could I not when we were meant to be? But he didn't love me so if he found a way to not love me maybe I could. No! Cora shouts in my head, okay chill I won't do anything that will mess up are chances. Good or else I would throw your body into a lake and let you drown. Aggressive much?

I  clear my thoughts away and push my wolf away so I could be able to talk to him. "We need to sort this out." I say as my finger points to him and back to me. "What's there to sort?" I arch my eyebrow, "oh I don't know maybe that you don't love me. And I'm your mate and you need a Luna soon don't you?" I question but I knew I was right I just wanted to prove my point. But I didn't really know what point I was proving probably that I know my crap.

Yea that sounds like a good point to prove. "Well I could always reject you." My wolf whimpers in pain as my heart twisted at the thought. " could accept me and we could make it work." I smile at him but I knew in my smile he could see the begging. "Like I said before I would appear as a weak Alpha with a rogue as a mate." He spits out I flinch he was such a jerk sometimes okay most of the time.

"You could but then who would be your Luna?" He shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal! My anger was slowly starting to work it's way back into my system. "That's all your just going to shrug? Whatever Ryan you need to grow up and face the fact that your mate isn't what you expected."

I say in a bitter voice he flinched but I didn't care. I was mad and hurt and those to things are dangerous. I knew what they could do to people what a person could become because of it. My father was that person the whips the torcher. I didn't want to become him ever. "I am a grown up I do realize your my mate. It sucks I was hoping for someone better. Someone who's not such a brat and someone who's pretty." My eyes roll on their own accord, "Yea it's all about the outside isn't it? Is that all people care about now and days? What size of pants they wear? How much makeup do they have? And you say your a man? Yea right if you were a man you wouldn't worry about what the person looks on the outside but who the person is on the inside."

I was in raged now angered bubbled out of my pores. I swear if smoke could come out of people's ears mine definitely would be a chimney.  "I'm sorry please calm down." He reached his hand out and instantly I was calmed he pulled me into his chest. "Your stupid." I spit out I wanted to hurt him I wanted him to be in pain like he caused me like he is causing me. "I know and I don't know what to do with our situation." I look up at his green eyes that hold a future for me. "For now let's finish school. You won't become alpha until schools over and then we have a week. We have time."

He nods his head timidly, "But I don't think we have enough." I reach my hand out and touch his cheek. There was light stubble on it from not being shaved for days, "Promise me you won't be with her?" He looks away and my hand drops and so dose his arms, "I'll try." I shake my head, "Really that's all? All you got to say is your try?" He rolls his eyes this time, "Its better then a no." Just accept it Ivy we never know maybe he will love us. Give him time please we need him.

Authors Note
Hello Storytellers!
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Hope everyone's had a good day!
I published a vampire book (I know ironic) it's called Bloody Bet. If you also like vampire books you should go check that out.
See you all in the next chapter!

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