Chapter 4: His strong arms

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Twelve o'clock takes longer then I thought It would take. I walk around the small park twelve times before my legs start to ache and my stomach growls. I sigh and look at my watch two more hours that's all I had to wait for. I was hoping he would say yes, if he said no I wouldn't know what to do. I whistle as I stroll through the woods now as the night turned darker and the stars grew brighter. I stop in my tracks as I smell his scent.

It was more intoxicating then it was the first time I smelt it. My head snaps to the left and there he stood shirtless and all muscle. My mouth opened and I  drooled a little  I wiped it away quickly hoping he didn't see it. "Told you you would come." He snickers out and I couldn't help but smile. "Well I need to ask for a favor." I say his eyebrows rise. "And what makes you think I'll consider doing a favor for you?" He ask I roll my eyes at him he's so cocky, "Your my mate we still have the bond matter of factly. And your do it because you don't want to see me struggling."

He growls out in response and I smile bigger, "My parents kicked me out. I need a place to stay and your the only one that is willing to take me in." I say in a serious tone, his eyes turn cold. "Not happening at all." He says as anger seeps through his voice. "Why not?" He takes a step closer and all I wanted to do was run my hands though his soft brown hair. And stare at those green eyes that make me forget for a minute who I am.

"Your a rouge Ivy I'm an Alpha. Your lower then I am why would I want you to be anywhere near me?" I growl in response and take a step back and my wolf whimpers in response.  "I know what I am but somehow the Moons goddess wanted me with you. So either way we're on the same level." He rolls his eyes, "We are definitely not on the same level."

"Can I stay with you please." I say tiredly as the day was catching up with me. My eyelids were staring to close, I hear him sigh before I felt his strong muscular arms were wrapped around my small body. I felt safe for the first time in my entire life. I snuggle into his chest and listen to his fast heartbeat. "Thank you." I hear him grunt in response, I smile inwardly. Maybe the Moon goddess will spare me.

Authors Note
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