"Who is this 'B.B'?" I asked Michael, checking the envelope, but finding no stamps or any written adresse.

Then this mysterious person must've delivered the letter by himself? My heart sped up as I opened the envelope slowly, and found a photograph. Of what, I don't know.

As I was about to take out the photo, my phone rang loudly across the room. Sighing, I place the envelope onto the table, my hand reaching in the air, and my phone levitates across the room, finding itself into my grasp.

"Cool." Michael mutters, and switches his attention back towards his phone. Rolling my eyes, I accepted the call. It was from Ariana.


"Hey Al, what are you doing?" She asks, and I glance at the clock. 9 am.

"Uh nothing? I have about two hours free before the office. Why?"

"Ok. I'll come over." She says before hanging up. Placing the phone back onto the table, the envelope gains my attention back. Who could have sent me this?

My mind is debating whether to see the photograph or not. What if this is someone messing up with me?

My fingers tapped the armrest, my eyes still contemplating the envelope. I really couldn't decide.

Oh hell. How bad could it be?

My fingers grasped the end of the paper, sliding it open.

Once my eyes found the picture, I couldn't control the gasp coming out of my lips. My breathing halted, as my chest tightens.

A new feeling of pain surged through me. No, no..

The next second, I screamed.


[ a r i a n a ]

My fingers tapped the steering wheel, as I was enjoying the view of Gotham's forest.

It's been a long time since I've seen Michael, and I wanted to visit him.

My phone suddenly vibrates, and I see the contact name. Michael?


"Aria! Come quick! It's bad!" Michael screamed, panic and fear in his voice.

"What is it?"

"It's Alina! She started screaming, and all of the objects in the house went in the air, levitating!"

Levitating? Is that.. even possible?

"I'm coming!"


"Alina!" I shout once I entered the house, and stopped as I saw what was going on.

All of the furniture in the house were up in the air, floating around. Michael wasn't kidding.

"Aria! Thank God!" Michael runs towards me, out of nowhere, throwing his arms around me. Poor kid, he seems scared to hell. The butler, and the maid stood by the stairs, both terrified.

"Where is she?" I asked, avoiding a knife that was floating close to my head. This could end up badly.

Very badly.

"Upstairs!" He shouts, and I run towards the grand staircase, running as fast as I could. Making my way through the hallway, I find myself in front of Alina's door.

"Alina! Alli?"

No answer. I barge through the door, but there was no sign of her. Suddenly my ears perk up, hearing flowing water near me.

Secrets | DAMIAN WAYNEWhere stories live. Discover now