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"Ugh. I wish you could stay longer Tariasia," pleads Nyese.

"No.  I gotta go first thing in the morning. So what about next Friday and I'll stay all the way 'til Sunday?"

"Oooh. Yasss girl."

"You crazy, but let's go to sleep. It's 3 in the morning."

"Oh yeah lol."

Jayland pov

Ughhhhh. I can hear Nyese in the bathroom since her room is connected to the bathroom which is connected to my room.  That reminds me of something.

"Yo, Ny! can you come here for a sec?"

"What do you want Jayland?!" she asks while stomping into my room all angry.

"Well who pissed you off?"

"Why are you up at 3 am Jayland?!"

"Nahhh why are you?"

"Oh shut up."

"I just wanted to see how long Tariasia  is staying, dang."



"This is the first time you called one of my friend's by their real name and didn't say 'your friend'."


"Oh and 'my friend' will be leaving early this morning before you even wake up so don't worry about it."

"Oh okay...."
Maybe this is a good thing.  Maybe I'll stop thinking about her.....

"Oh but she'll be back on Friday and won't leave till Sunday so ha."

...or maybe not.

"How awful," I say with a sexy smirk on my face.  I love how Nyese thinks that I don't want Tari- I mean her friend here.  It makes it easier for her to not get suspicious.

"Why you worrying about her anyways??"

Or maybe she was suspicious...

"Just tryna see how long I get to have my freedom," I explain, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Whatever.  You're just mad cause my friend's look better that yours."

"Well I'm not gay so-"

"Whatever!" She says, rolling her eyes at me. 

She's so childish lol.

Tariasia pov

"Ugh I can't believe that nigga!" Screams Nyese ,storming into her room.

"Uhm what nigga was in the bathroom with you?" I ask confused as fuck.

"Jayland w-"

"Wait so you were in the bathroom with you're brother?!"

"WHAT?! NOOO!! I mean yes, but not like that! Ugh Tariiiiiiiasiaaaaaa!!!!!" 

I bust out laughing.  Oh my gosh.  Nyese is so funny when she's mad.

"Okay continue with you're freaky-not-freaky in the bathroom with Jayland experience," I say barely keeping a straight face.

"Ughhhh.  You doing too much.  I wasn't in the bathroom I was in Jayland's room."

"So you were getting freaky in Jayland's room?"


I can't contain it anymore and I end up on the floor. I laughed so hard I was crying. 


"Okay fine.  I guess I won't tell you that the only reason I was all up in there is because of you."

I immediately stop laughing.  I should have said 'So when you think of me you get freaky with your brother. Good to know' but the need to know what she's referring to is more compelling.

"He just wanted to know when you were leaving," she answers, harshly, before I can ask.

How nice.  I was that awful that he wanted me to leave.  Oh my gosh.

Jayland pov

"Wake up sleepyhead."

I open my eyes and along with the bright light shining out of my window is my little sister Tamara.

"Tamara why are you so optimistic? There is no possible way you should be up this early?"

"Ughhh come on Jayland..."

Tamara being 4 years younger than me, completely unlike Nyese who is 2 years younger than me, was totally sweet.  Well she was adorable I wouldn't say she didn't have her evil moments.....

"And why must I get up?"

"You promised you would make me bacon!"

"No I didn't.  You know I can't cook.  Ask Nyese to do it," I say putting the pillow back over my head.

"I can't.  Nyese's too busy talking to her friend on the phone," she says annoyed.

"At 7am?"

"Yeah some girl named, hmmm, Jabriasia I think." 

How ratchet.

"Wait do you mean Tariasia?"

"Yeah!  That's it."

I run downstairs to the kitchen in my underwear.  Damn this girl has me going crazy.

"Uhm are you okay?" Nyese questions.

"Oh yeah," I say walking slowly back upstairs.

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