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Authors note:  Well that was strange.  I had my friend write the last chapter.  I have  no idea why she wrote it in past tense,  put no emotion in my scene, and use some of my ideas that I was plannimg to use later.  I have decided not to change it because that would be too much work and you've probably already read it, so if I changed it, it woupd be confusing. Please believe me when I say it wouldn't have happened that way. Anyways the story must go on. 


I don't want to be here, but somehow I'm on a date with Jayland.  My first real date with him and  I'm hating it.  I would still be standing here in a pity party, but I realize I'm all the way on the other side of the room and I haven't even seen Jayland yet.  I look up and see him smiling at me and suddenly my fear sinks back in.  I look down at my heels to avoid his eyes as I walk toward him.  I also look down to make sure I don't trip since I'm not used to wearing heels.  I approach the table when he rushes to get up and pulls the chair from the table.  I sit down and he goes back to his seat. Usually I would love this kind of attention, but I still don't see why he's bothering me.  I'm wearing a hideous gray dress.  I thought he would be revolted, but so far I don't know.  I would've just not come, but its his birthday. I haven't looked up at him once yet.

Jayland pov

I can't believe I'm on a date with Tari on my birthday!  We are supposed to be celebrating me.  That's the point.  If the boys saw me now they would be ashamed, but she got a nigga whipped.  I just don't know why she looks so sad.  Like turn up.....IT'S MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!

I'm not gonna say anything though.  She could be fine or not wanna talk about it.  I'm not gonna ruin this.

"Sooooooo, wassup?" I ask, almost laughing.  I took her to some fancy ass restaurant and I'm over here acting casual.  I tried to do that whoke gentleman shit, but shit! That ain't me and its my birthday and imma do whatever.

She rolls her eyes at me and says "I don't know.... the sky?" like what the fuck.  Rude ass bitch, but imma let it slide for now.  No need to act out in public, having people staring at me. 

I was about to forget that rule, but the waitress comes over.  Tari just lstarts filing  her nails.  If she file them anymore she's not going to have any nail left, damn!

"Uhmmm....Hi my name is Valentina and I'll be your server.  What would you like to drink?"

"I'll take a-"

"Ehemmm!  I'll take a sprite, " says Tari, interrupting me.

I just look at her like the fuck is wrong with you.

"Ladies first!" she says, bucking at me and  shoving her non-existent nails in my face.  I'm about to bite her finger when she snatches her hand away, smirks, and starts filing again.  I look over at the waitress, who has to watch this disaster.

"Well it's my birthday!"

"Uhm would y'all like me to come back at a better time?"  She says, looking confused and showing her hispanic accent.


"Nope.  Just stay here  and do your job, Valentina,"  says Tari as she goes back to filing.

"Well I'll have a ginger ale," I say.

"I'll be right back with your orders," says Valentina, using a fake ass smile.   The same smile I'd give in this position.

Tariasia pov

Ugh I can't believe that Valentina chick.  She obviously wants Jayland with her fake ass accent.  She was really light skinned, wellt his really pretty color.  She looks like she's mixed with something. She's about our age.  Probably a sophomore since I've never seen her before.  She has this big dark brown ass ponytail.  Probably fake hair, like that can't be real.  She has these little brown freckles across the bridge of her nose.  She's a little shorter than me so she can wear heels.  And she's really curvy, like curvier than Beyoncé and JLo, but her waist is really skinny.   Her stomach is almost flat,  thus can't be possible.

I can't deal with this shit right now.  I probably would be nicer, but I blame mother nature.  Every fucking month she has to come to ruin my life for a week, so I'm going to try to be extra nice today.  I hope it works. 

I put my file down and try to figure out how to have a decent conversation with Jayland. 

"So how'd the basketball go the other day?"  Whew.  Finally something I knew.  I always knew Jayland was on the basketball team, since Nyese always talking about how her dad is obsessed with Jayland playing basketball.

"Uhm you were kinda there..."  He looks at me like he's confused.

Oh shit!  I was there.  Ugh well then.  "Oh...yeah.  I forgot." I say,  laughing.

"Wow!" he says, finally smiling.  Good.

"Wait a second....How did you know I was there?  You didn't know me back then...."

"Oh!  Uhmm Nyese always talks about you and I've seen pics of y'all together and yeah..." he says, scratching his head and turning away.

"Okay so here are your drinks,"  she says, putting them down on the table and rushing away. 

"Omg is this a cherry?" I ask Jayland.

"Looks like it..."

"Why'd she put a cherry in my sprite?!"

"Idk special touch?  why don't you ask her?"


"Well if you don't want it Ill take it!" he says, reaching his hand toward my glass.

"Noooo Jayland!  You know I love cherries!"

"okay fine then stop being a bitch!"



Finally Taris being normal.  That's my girl.  Wait is she my girl?   Oh shit, I'm on a date with her for my birthday and I don't even know if its official! 

"Can I ask you something?"


"So what do you want to order today?" asks Valentina.

"Uhmmm, I'll let her order first"

"Awww thanks!  So I'll take the salmon with the seasonal broccoli and  a sweet potato.  A fried chicken grilled chicken bacon steak and shrimp salad and...Can you add a extra side of cheese fries with bacon and no sour cream?  Oh can I get a refill too on this sprite with extra cherries"

"Well sure..."  says Valentina, scribbling down her order.

"Oh and I'll have the.. hmmmm, Ill have the la carne de Shrimp, thanks."

"Wow the La carne de Shrimp?  Most peoole dont order that cause its so expensive!  Your welcome!  I'll go get your orders" says Valentina.  She bounces away and heads down the corner.

Tariasia pov

Did she just try to convince him to not buy something expensive?  She should be happy hello?  Wait a second!   How is he going to afford this?!

"Well you sure were hungry today," he says, chuckling.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing....just,  never mind, " he says, looking away.

"Okay then"

Ugh well hmmm I should keep the conversation going.

"So what's 'La Carne de Shrimp'?"

"It's Steak with fancy shrimp sauce with shrimp on top.  I think thats what la carne means in Spanish,  I learned that the first time I came here or was it when I went to Brazi- I mean nevermind "

"Okay then...So how are you going to pay for all this?"

"Oh, uhmm.  Don't worry about it T.  Just sit back and enjoy."

"Isn't it el Carne!"

"I think its- I mean I wouldn't know....not like i know any foriegn languages or something!" Somethings going on here and I'm going to figure it out....


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