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I am so confused. I'm sitting in the middle of history class, my favorite class, and I can't concentrate at all. Not that I usually concentrate and it doesn't matter since half of the class is sleeping, including Scarleta who was sitting right beside me.

"Ughhhh you should get up," I whisper, knowing Mr. James, our sexy history teacher, would yell at her sleeping ass.

"Sorry. It's not my fault Ms. Salanche kept us up all night writing a English essay," Scarleta grumbles.

"Well we might be writing a History essay if you don't wake yo ass up," I whisper.

"That's okay. She's are just missing out on looking at our fine ass history teacher," says Zaeanna.

"Y'all are so ga-rossss" says Scarleta.

Hhmphf. Says the white girl who was named Scarlet-A for a reason.

"Says Easy A," says Zaeanna as Scarleta rolls her eyes and I fist bump Zaeanna.

"I was thinking the exact same thing Zee!" I whisper.

I love how we sometimes think the same thing. Even though I would definitely say Paula (who is sitting on the other side of the room) was my absolutely best friend I definitely couldn't believe that anymore. She was definitely one of my best friends, but nowadays we were all just changing.

Jayland pov

I can't believe this.  I'm sitting in the middle of English class with Mrs. Panini wondering who the hell married her. Probably some kind of wimp considering that his last name was probably Panini.  How could you be manly with a name like that?

And today Mrs. Panini is being extra bitchy. It's not my fault that she doesn't have a sense of humor or understand what conversations are.  She's a frigging English teacher, so how the freak did she not know what a conversation is?

So she said 'Why are you talking back to me' and I was all like 'That's how conversations work.' I have arguments with my teachers and it's nothing to me. It happens on an everyday basis and now because of her stupid-not-knowing-what-a-conversation-is ass I was on my way to Mr. James's class.

Tariasia pov

"STOP SLEEPING IN MY CLASS!" yells an angry Mr. James as he kicks Scarleta's desk.

"I told you bitch," I whisper to her as she is humiliated by the shock that had just occurred. Mr. James and the rest if the class bust out laughing.

All of a sudden I hear the door slamming and there he is.

Jayland pov

I walk over to Mr. James's desk while he's still teaching and sit in the special chair he has just for me. I didn't mind getting in trouble in other classes to come here. This was the only class I actually liked, well beside P.E.

I really like his class because he makes it interesting by making jokes about students in the class. Sometimes they might be a little sketchy but who cares? No one was really paying attention anyways. Except for me.

He also cussesin class. Like who the heck does that. And he's not some old guy that might have actually been in the war. He's like 29 or 30 something. That's probably why half of the class is paying attention. Half of the girls are just admiring his "perfect" body as they would say.

That's two things that we have in common so far. Liking history and pulling girls. Not that I think Mr. James would ever touch one of his students, but that doesn't mean they don't try and seduce him on a daily basis.

"Ahhhh Jayland would you like to enlighten our class about what kind of trouble you got into today?"

"Sure. Anything for you Mr. James."

Tariasia pov

Did I hear that right?Did Mr. James just say "Jayland"? I look up and see Jayland standing right in the middle of the classroom.  Mr. James has all the desks formed in a 'U' shape to make it easier for us to have group discussions. It looks like we are the government or jury at court, but in the form of a football stadium, surrounding the defendant with our lingering eyes.

I can't hear right. All I know is Jayland is talking. Probably about why he was in our classroom today. Even though I actually wanted to know what kind of trouble he had gotten into I was way too distracted... by him.

Yep. He was definitely a distraction from himself. All of the girls in class were looking at him because he was, well, attractive.  Except Nyese, who simply shrugged him off. And all the boys in class were paying attention because Jayland was a Junior and was kind of popular.  All of the guys here looked up to him and would especially listen to all of his details about ways to cause trouble or get girls. But I had no idea what he was talking about or that the bell had rung.

Jayland pov

I was about to leave Mr. James class when I saw her. Tari was just sitting there like she couldn't hear the bell ring or see everyone else rushing to get to class.

"Yo Tari! What's up?" I shout as I jog over to her seat.

She gives me the head nod and then quickly grabs her stuff and runs. I guess she finally realized she was late to class.

Tariasia pov

"Uhmmm are you okay??? Earth to TaaaariASIA!" Zeeanna asks then screams.

"Oh yeah girl.  I'm fine."

"Oh so what was that thing with Nyese's brother?"

"Oh nothing."

Too bad it actually was. Did I actually just give Jayland the head nod. OHHHH MYYYY GAWWWWSSSHHH!!! What was I thinking?  Well I guess it was nothing. I have no idea what is going on anymore. Maybe it should stay that way.

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