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"Uhmmmm okay," says Nyese. Mom had just asked her if she wanted to go on a walk with Her and Tamara. She asked me, but of course I didn't wanna go.

Nyese turns back and glances at Tari. I give her the nod. She shrugs her shoulders, and follows mom and Tamara downstairs. I had a feeling she didn't wanna leave her laying there, but since she did.....


I roll over and look around. I rub my eyes to make sure I'm really seeing this. No Nyese. No Nyese anywhere. Maybe she's in the bathroom. That's a nice place to check.

I walk into the bathroom. "There you are Nyese, you had me worried," I sigh with relief. Then Nyese turns around and it's not Nyese.... It's Jayland!

"What the fuck are you doing in here?!" I scream at him.

"Well It's my bathroom you know," he says, chuckling.

"Oh shut up!" This nigga makes me so angry!

He pushes me against the wall, startling me. We are only inches apart, I can feel his warm breath on my cheek.

"Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are?! You don't come to daddy's house and start acting saucy and you don't come to daddy's house and get mad cause he answered you question. Matter of fact daddy asks the questions. You got that?!"

I looked at him, wide eyed. He looked like a wild crazy guy. All I could do was stare, especially with him this close to me. With his arms on both sides of me, pressing me against a wall!

"Bitch, I asked you a question!" he yelled.

"Y-Yes," I say, as he pulls my hair, causing me to jerk my head to the right, almost hitting my head on the shower, and grabs my ass, causing me to moan loudly.

"Matter fact that's 'yes daddy' to you" he whispers in my ear smirking, leaving me there, pinned against the wall as he walks back into his room, plopping onto his bed as usual.

What was with this nigga?! Why he always walking away?! I'm tryna finish shit. I can't keep doing this!

I walk into his room. "What the fuck is wrong wit-"

"You wanna hit?!". He says, holding a freshly rolled blunt that I didn't notice he had.

"I don't smoke," I say, crossing my arms against my chest.

"Who you tryna fool? And trust me, you're gonna need this shit!". He says, laughing his ass off. Ugh why not?

I take the blunt from his hand,stick it in my mouth, and sit down against the side of his waterbed. He bends over from his bed so he's ontop of me, and lights it.

Okay Tari you got this. Just take it slow so I don't choke and end up embarrassing myself.

"There you go, you're a pro," he says, taking the blunt from me and putting it back in his mouth. I blow smoke at him.

"Puff puff pass, nigga!" I say, tilting my head back, laughing.

"Nahhh, this is only puff puff pass if you pass that ass," he says, laughing so hard he almost chokes, but he's a pro, so he doesn't.

I roll my eyes at him. "Nahhhh bitch, I'm not taking your bitchy shit no more," he says, as he jumps off the bed and ends up in my lap.

"Stop calling me a bitch!" I say, pushing him off of me.

"Then stop acting like one, ma," he says, climbing back in my lap, wrapping his legs around my back. I always thought I would be sitting on him like that, not with him sitting on me. Ha!

"You know you want a lap dance, so stop pushing me off!" he says, laughing. Gosh, this nigga was high. He dances on my lap and blows a little smoke at me, while holding his blunt in his left hand.

I put my hand on his cheek and bring him closer. So close that we are almost kissing. "Are you gonna tell me to get outta my room now?" I ask. He tries to kiss me, but I jerk my head away. "Nahhh, nigga. You should see how it feels,"

"Don't do this to me please," he says, begging me. I try to push him off my lap, but It doesn't work and We fall over. I end up laying down on the floor with him on top of me.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I wanted to kiss you last time but..." he starts to say, as he looks away, to the left. Now I was starring straight at his cheek.

"It's okay," I say. I didn't wanna hear that shit about why I just wanted him to change it. He does a push up, with me still under him, and comes down and kisses me.

Feels so good with his lips on mine and we can't stop. We won't stop. We roll over and now I'm on top, all while are lips are still connected. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and has it play around in my cheek and then he shoves it down my throat.

Then I hear a sound. A key turning in a door. Fuck it! Who cares? Apparently Jayland does. He pulls away. Still on top of me, but in push up form. "Shhhhhh," he whispers as he puts his finger in me mouth. He runs over,locks his door and then picks me up, carrying me to the bathroom. He sits me down on the sink and locks the door that connects the bathroom to Nyese's room.

I hear him walk slowly back into his room. "Daddy's coming back," he whispers.

I hear footsteps run up the stairs and I peep through the crack in the door that connects to Nyese's room and there she is. Lolking for me.


"I'm in the bathroom!"

"Oh, Okay. I'll wait for you!"

"Nahh, you said you would make me bacon! Go make me bacon," I say, chuckling.

"Aitee!" she says, as she runs back downstairs.

Then I feel a hand in my hair. I turn around and it's Jayland. I don't know how I hadn't notice that he was only wearing boxers this whole time. Damn he was sexy. I wonder if he would let me see what was in them...

"Nice job getting Nyese away, but it might take her a while of you're asking for bacon," he says, pulling on my loose baseball pajama shirt. Then I noticed that it wasn't buttoned all the way and I didn't have on a bra.....Oh, well.


I hug her. I don't know why. I just wanted to be closer to her. I feel her arms wrap around my back. Damn I love this girl. I kiss her. Again. And again. And again. Damn this never gets old.

"Ugh, I gotta pee."

"And I gotta take a shower," She says, puckering her lips at me.

"Aitee lets do it then," I say, laughing.

"No, nigga, but If you be good i'll her you stay in the bathroom.". She says, rubbing her hand against my bare chest.

"I know you be wanting a nigga..."I say, wrapping my arms around her waist. "And I'm in charge here.Im daddy. You got that?" I say, tilting her head back. "Yess...." I start grinding on her against the sink, "...daddy,"

She tries to quiet down, but I wanna hear her moan. I can't though. There's a time and a place for that.

"Well go get your dirty ass clean," I say, smacking that's ass as she takes off her clothes, facing the shower so I can only see her ass, and jumping in the shower. Damn!

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