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Jayland pov

"Ughhh, why must you always bring people over, Nyese???" My sister Nyese was always fun to mess with. Especially since I was bored as hell.

"Don't be mad cause I got more friends than you," says Nyese, sticking her tongue out at me. I just try to ignore her and put my earphones back in.

"Can you turn that down?" I heard her say, well mouth since I can't really hear her, as she plops down on the couch next to me. She pushes my feet off the coffee table and I push her off the couch.

"Haha," laughs one of Nyese's friends. I turn around to see a 5' 7'' tall girl who was beautiful, or shall I say bootyful. Damnnn. She whips her dark brown shoulder length hair as I admire her mahogany tone skin. She turns around and instantly stops laughing, blinking at me with her beautiful dark brown eyes. Probably because she's noticing me staring at her. Fuck! I look down at my iPhone 4s, pretending that I wasn't staring at her just seconds before. Actually she looks pretty normal so I don't know why I couldn't just ignore her like usual.

"Uhmmmm are you coming or what?' Nyese asks her friend. "TA-RI AS-IA!" She says, noticing that she is still ignoring her. Her friend looks up just as I notice that she is still staring at me. "Huh what?" says Tariasia, following Nyese upstairs. "Tariasia," I whispered to myself. hmmmmmm.

Tariasia pov

I am now sitting on Nyese's bed as she lays on the floor doing who knows what.......Well I would if I was actually paying attention. I think she was talking about people, but who gives a fuck. I am too busy thinking. Less than an hour ago I had met Jayland for the first time. Even though I came to Nyese's house often, seen pictures of him, and overheard him while talking to Nyese on the phone, I'd never seen him in person. Most of Nyese's friends haven't because they all think he's so hot and she's just like "Ew!  He's my brother!" I've always imagined meeting him, but I never imagined it like that. Oh gosh. He was just so... soo... wow. He has caramel skin that's just slightly lighter than mine and his eyes were light brown and his haircut was outright terrible. He had a short fade that was all uneven. Nyese told me that he cut it himself and apparently he failed... miserably. He still looks okay, even better than I imagined, but what suprised me was when I was walking up the stairs I could swear he said something. It sounded like he said my name. My name. MY NAME!!!!!! "Yo, you want?"

I looked down off of Nyese's bed and saw her holding a freshly rolled blunt "Nahhh I'm good." I need to keep my head in the game, and I'm sure getting high definitely wouldn't help with that. So I sit and watch her try to blow perfect circles with her smoke. Then I just lay down, not wanting to blow her high.

"Can we go downstairs now?" I ask.  I'd been laying down for a while, but my thoughts kept circling back to him.  I knew the question was risky and could possibly blow her high, but I wanted to see Jayland.

"Ugh, fine. Just let me finish this," She says taking a long inhale of the smoke that she already blew in the air since she'd already finished the blunt and had just been sitting on her bed for what felt like ten minutes.

"Nyese there's nothing left!" I say agitated. She needs to wake up.

"Oh what the hell. You already blew my high so what's the point?"

"Sorry Nyese," I say, giving her my best puppy eyes face as we walk


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