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Usually, as soon as I get off the bus I start looking for Zee. I don't know why, her bus is always late. I remember when she told me what bus she rides. It's retarded as fuck. She rides bus #1. At first I didn't believe her, until her bus pulled up one day.

Well, anyways. As soon as I get off the bus I see Michael. I don't know why, since I'm pretty sure he doesn't ride the bus. one of the perks of having a brother like Rakee who owns a car.

"Wazzup Michael," I say, dapping him up. He take one of his earphones out of his ear and lets it hang on his shoulder.

"Nun much," he says, looking away, but still standing there.

"You okay?". I might not talk to Michael much, but he's still my friend. Well, kinda.

"Well, Ze- never mind. It's stupid. It's nothing," he says as he begins to walk away, putting the earphone back in his ear.

"Wait!" I say grabbing his arm. He turns around and faces me.


"Uhhh, What you listening to?"

"Just some Skrillex song," he says shrugging.

"Oh Zee loves Skrillex," I say, way to happily. I see a flicker of excitement in his eye at the mention of her name, but it quickly goes away and he looks down at his feet.

"So, can I hear it? I've never listened to it before,". I say smiling. Trying to cheer him up. He really looks like he needs a friend.

He hands me an earbud. "Hmmmm, nice," I say.

"Oh come on it can't be that bad," he says, chuckling. I smile back and shrug my shoulders. He turns and looks behind him eyeing Rakee, Daquan, and Jayland. "Uhhhh, I gotta go!"

"Wait Mike.....Can I get your number?"




I take out a pen and hand it to him. He quickly writes it on my hand. 804-334-6869.


Michael walks over to us and Rakee quickly puts him in a headlock. "Ahhhh!" We all laugh, as Rakee lets go of Michael, revealing freshly messed up hair, compliments of Rakee.

Then I see Zaeanna look towards us as she gets off the bus and Michael blushes. Awwww.

"Yo, what was that about?" I ask, pointing to Tari.

"Nothing," he says.


Damn! Why did Rakee have to embarrass me as soon as Zee gets off the bus. I glance over at Tari who has her phone out textin somebody. That Tari sure does confuse me alot. I check my phone as it buzzes.

Unknown number: Hey

I look up and see Tari looking at me, as if to say "I'm texting you, nigga!"

Me: Wassup Tariiiii

I quickly put my phone back in my pocket as I see Zee walk up to Tari. Tari slides her phone back in her pocket.


My day is finally back to normal. Me and Zaeanna are walking to class when she asks me "What's that?" Pointing to my arm.

"Mike's number. You jealous?" I say, smirking. I knew this would bother her. It's easy for me to get Mike's number cause he's my friend. Actually it would be easy for her to get his number, since he likes her.

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