"Oh yes, twins. They were so cute together." She smiled at the guys and went in the back to retrieve the cakes for them.

"When they come here say some guys picked it up earlier because they were busy."  Colin said without putting it out of context and with that the boys were out the door.


"Was one of them an Australian?" Logan asked.


"Okay, thank you." Rory said and they turned their heel and headed out the door to their home.

When they pulled up in the driveway Lorelai came skipping outside with a blindfold, Mitchum trailed behind her, also with a blindfold. Rory didn't protest much when Lorelai put it on, knowing that it was no use, Logan on the other hand, he wouldn't give in, they eventually got him to put it on much to his dismay and made their way inside. 

Family and friends took it upon themselves to decorate the entire house in pastel blue and pastel pink, each side of the room had their own color and it was mixed in the middle. Mitchum, Christopher and Finn teamed up and got buttons made, team boys, team girls, team boy/girl and of course they held one apart for an undecided Kirk. Lorelai, Lane, Colin and Robert got everyone from Stars Hollow to fly over in the family jets. Sookie and Luke took it upon themselves to make the food, Sookie for the more fancy food for the society people who thought they were too good for 'dinerfood' or 'street food' that Luke prepared, and of course multiple cakes and fruit and fruitcakes. The cakes from the bakery were in the middle of the room with a knife next to it. Honor and Josh were in charge of the society guest list. Zach prepared a playlist and made sure Gill  and Brian also got an invite so Hep Alien could play live. Steph, Rosemary, Juliet, Lucy and Olivia got decorations and everyone decorated together while Emily was ordering everyone around where to place things saying that everything had to be perfect for her only granddaughter.

Logan and Rory were brought into the decorated room and they were told to remove the blindfolds. Rory grasped Logan's hand before they both took them of.

"Surprise!" Everyone screamed. 

Rory teared up, a single tear rolled down her cheek. She was blessed with incredible family and friends, even though her and Mitchum didn't get of on the right foot in the beginning she found herself thankful that he would become her father-in-law and grandfather to their twins and any future children, he had changed so much, the reason that brought it on was still unknown but it was really nice to be honest and he finally got rid of the gold digging cocktail waitress. "Damn hormones." She cursed. Everyone chuckled and people closest to them hugged both of them.

Logan moved behind Rory,  wrapped his arms around her placing his hands on her baby bump and began looking around the room in amazement at what their family and friends had accomplished together without either of them knowing, normally Finn would've already blabbed. Rory placed her left hand on both of his hands, turned her head to look at him and smiled. Everyone watched the small, tender exchange between them and their hearts melted.

"Not that this isn't terribly cute, but I'd like to know what to spoil my grandbabies with." Lorelai said and everyone had to laugh, except for Emily.

"Honestly Lorelai?!" Emily said annoyed.

"Sorry." Lorelai apologized.

"Okay, ladies and gents, each of you find your 'group', team girls on the right side of the room, team boys on the left side and team boy/girl in the middle." Finn told everyone and they began to move around except for Kirk, who once again didn't know what to do, so he just followed Lulu, who was of course team girls. "Now mate, love you get to move to the cakes to cut them. We don't want to loose any fingers, so be careful." 

"Before we cut the cakes we want to thank you all for coming here and a special thanks to our friends and family for this surprise, for yesterdays one also." Rory smiled.

"On that note, we have an announcement to make, we got engaged last night." Logan continued smiling and everyone cheered.

"HELL YEAH, TIME TO PAY UP MATES!" Finn yelled in a thick Australian accent through the cheers.

When the cheering died down a little and Logan and Rory grabbed the knife together and made two cuts. They took the piece of cake and took it out a little, they smiled and Rory teared up again, before raising it for everyone to see. The inside was pink.

"Another Gilmore Girl." Lorelai cheered.

Logan and Rory picked up the knife again and made two cuts in the second cake. They took it out a little again and smiled before raising again. the inside was blue.

"A boy." Mitchums voice boomed. 

Three stooges flew out of the crowd and picked up Rory and swung her around. Lorelai embraced Rory and Logan and so did Luke, mitchum, Christopher, Honor, Lane and a whole lot of others.

"Congatulations Love, Mate."

"Congrats kid, Logan."

"Congrats kiddo, son."

"Congratulations son, Rory."

"Congratulations Mate, Mother."

"I can't wait to see how cute they look, Congratulations both of you."


Kind of  a crappy chapter I'm sorry.

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