Good morning Sunshine~

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Fallacy woke in a squeaky small bed. He groaned as the scene flooded his memory. His back ached even worse from sleeping on the old terrible bed along with his wounds. He rolled out bed and set the sheets back. Stretching warily he walked into the dining room, the moon felt cool on his bones. He smiled as old memories flooded him making him fall to a nostalgic trance of sorts. Making himself some tea he sat by the window and watched as the stars blinked their tired eyes at him. It made him think of his dear mother, his heart still ached for her. Once he became king he would plant a garden for her grave. He sat and imagined the day of his coronation.  It would be grand and special just for him there would be sweets of all kinds and people of every caliber, shape and he would fall in love with someone who was beautiful and smart and funny. A joy spread through his heart and it  fluttered in his chest. He yearned to have a peaceful happy life if the curse of his father ever allowed him. His thoughts carried him away for minutes on end, he didn't even realize Suave walk in. 

"Monsieur Fallacy?" Suave asked with a yawn. Fallacy snapped back to reality and he stepped from his mind to see the cold night and steam from his cup, he turned and saw Suave looking at him. 

"Yes Suave?" Fallacy said quietly sipping his tea. 

"You're up early monsieur... you should get more rest you know." Suave said  with a bossy tone but Fallacy knew he was just trying to make him well again.

"Yes, I do know Suave it's just I couldn't sleep is all. I think it was the bed and my wounds..." Fallacy explained with a sad tone. Suave gave him a sympathetic look and he walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Fallacy rose and followed after him so they could chat. 

After breakfast Suave cleaned the dishes and told Fallacy to enjoy his stay in the servants quarters. As he made his way to the door Fifi ran in with the most bewildered winded look plastered on her face.

"There are people whom are not vampires in the castle!" She exclaimed clutching her chest. The two looked at her in confusion, Fallacy was winded with fear. His father would most likely kill them he had to find them and steer them home! Before thinking he ran to the door Suave tried to stop him but it was way too late, Fallacy's heart was set on making HIS   Kingdom better for all people including none vampires. He planned on making peace with them one day and if some were found dead in his castle there would be battles he couldn't risk fighting. He carefully made his way in through an open window and down the hall. He could smell their fresh blood, he could smell their fear. It made him famished despite just eating. Using his sense it was easy to track them, but getting their attention was a whole other issue. 

"Psssssst! Hey you humans over here!" He attempted whisper shouting the smaller one with the satchel turned in confusion. It was Encre! Fallacy trembled with a warm feeling spreading through his body but kept himself in check. 

"Eterna...That suit of armor is talking to me..." Encre whispered. Eterna whipped around and glared at Fallacy's hiding place she crept up to the suit and Fallacy peeked out.

"Yes I'm talking to you, I'm going to help you escape before your a corpse!" Fallacy whisper shouted at her. Eterna jumped back and growled at him. Fallacy sighed and took notice that Encre's eyes lit up at the sight of him. He gave a slight grin but then went stone cold serious. 

"You do realize this is the vampire castle right?" Fallacy asked Eterna a little smugly just to get under her skin. She glared at him strongly.

"Of course we figured that out all ready but one of the maids mistook Encre for a butler! And now we're here!" Eterna said sharply.  Fallacy sneered and Encre blushed. Well he would look cute in the uniform...I MEAN NOTHING!! Fallacy mentally slapped himself for being an idiot. 

"Well that doesn't matter now, if my father finds you he'll make sure you never see the sun again. Follow me" Fallacy crept down the hall and the two followed after swiftly.

"Your father? The king you mean? Surely your a servant here!" Eterna snapped rudely. Fallacy was offended and he stopped in his tracks to face her.

"I'll have you know I'm the prince of the vampires soon to be king!" He howled, rage seeping his lungs. Encre hit Eterna in the arm and scowled at her, Eterna just rolled her eyes and slipped her silver dagger from her belt. 

"Right whatever Mr. Royal butt...." Eterna mumbled under her breath. Fallacy ignored her remark and scoffed. 

"I'm helping you escape Satan's palace. Hell itself! Have you no kindness? I could have left you for the dead!" Fallacy howled. As the words fell from his lips a being appeared beside him.

"Death here. You called?" The being was an incubus swinging his tail back and forth hypnotically.  Encre yelped and hid behind Eterna, Fallacy glared at the being in shock. 

"Who are you?!" Eterna and Fallacy said in sync. Then they looked at each other in disgust, then back at the being.

"I'm Death I already told you that!" Death looked annoyed "But most call me Reaper, you can if you like. But I'm looking for someone named Geno have you seen him anywhere?" Reaper smiled at them warmly though his presence chilled the whole hall. The group just stared a little jaw dropped. After all what would Death do?


Ahhhh I feel like I'm actually good at writing at this point with all these views! I've never been this popular! Well lol sorry for the shorter chapter ~o~ Hope you enjoyed it though cause I spent forever on it! I'm sneaking being on here at school shhhhhh 

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