We got what we wanted...

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     The king and queen of the vampire kingdom could not have a child. This is all they wanted. A beautiful child to bring life to the castle again!  But the queen was incapable of having a child. They were miserable. The queen wept and wept then one day the clouds let out and wept alongside her. There was truly nothing that could bring the same light as a child could.
       "Tok tok tok" someone knocked on the door. The queen drearily opened the door being cautious of the rain "yes hello who is..." but no one was there. All there was on the step was a basket filled with cloth. Curious, the queen moved one of the cloths and there sat a child with black bones and little blue flames under his eyes. "We got what we wanted..."

YAY!!!FIRST CHAPTER OF THE STORY!  Yeah i know it's a short chapter i feel so bad for making it so short;-; well till then BOI!!!

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