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     The queen scooped up the child and held him close. Her heart pounded on her chest with excitement and joy. She hurried to the throne room to her husband. "My love! Look a child and it's ours! Dear we have gotten what we wanted!" The queen exclaimed with tears of joy pricking at her eyes. The king sat up looking joyful then his smile faltered. There was but a single problem with the child...he was mortal. The queen hadn't even checked to see it, should not matter this child was no their son even if he was mortal! The queen was enraged! The only thing that they had ever wanted was a child, now they had one and the king was worried about it's mortality! "Well if your so worried about it maybe yoou should bite him! But on the other hand his name shall be Fallacy if thats of tour concern as well!" The queen said as she left the room and went into the empty guest room and began to prepare it for the child. Young Fallacy was asleep in her arms she smiled at this. She set him down in a crib and tucked him in. She leaned on the side of  his bed smiling at Fallacy, he was so innocent, so precious. How could anyone possibly be displeased with him? Well the king of course is displeased with Fallacy's mortality. "Let's just get this over with..."the queen said drealily as she lifted Fallacy. She softly bit his neck just slightly. This woke Fallacy and he began to cry in pain and discomfort. The queen hadn't meant to harm him but the important thing is that he was a vampire and no longer mortal. "Shhhh shhhh child it's alright. Everything is going to be fine it will onlyhurt for a moment" she said hushing the child softly.

Fallacy looked up at his new mother with big round eyes. If he understood how to speak he would be questioning  his existence. Why was he here? Who left him here? What is this person gonna do to me? His eyes were his only way of questioning his new mother. He had only been alive for so long and didn't know much yet but he knew, some how, this woman loved him. She smiled at him and placed him in a large bed and laid down beside him. She was warm and Fallacy was cold and tired, so he curled up as close to her as he could, and fell asleep.

Fallacy's past {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now