When the sun rises, stone will not warm.

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Days that followed the crime were cold and alone the castle bustled with fear and shock.  Fallacy locked himself away in his room the moonlight, he swore, would never shine against his skin ever again.  He wouldn't eat, or sleep, or drink, the shadow consumed his broken heart and was feared it would never heal. He wanted stone cold revenge, no one believed the king had committed the crime despite the evidence sited. Fallacy was right, the had been in the shower and the water leaking into the drain was cold thick crimson blood.  the maids attempted their best to get Fallacy out of his room all failed but one, a young butler named Suave coaxed him to escape the gloom of his room to accompany him on a journey to the village for grocery's. 

On the journey they were both silent, the green leaves on the trees were no more now hung dead golden, reds and browns. Fallacy's cloak hood hung around his face leaving a dark dead shadow over his eyes, Suave sighed, the journey was normally a break from stress of the castle for him. But now, as Fallacy walked beside him it was more difficult to breath than ever. When they reached the gates of the village suave felt more relieved, the gates were somewhat a freedom. Except the heaven were concealed by two guards, standing stiffly at their post. Suave nervously approached first but before he could form his words he was interrupted by Fallacy. Fallacy pulled his hood back and spoke clear crisp words.

"My name is Fallacy, this is my second hand man, we request entry to the village" 

The guards looked at them up and down with concern and certain fret in  their eyes, one was shortest and deep shining blue armor looked Fallacy deep in the eyes.

"Fallacy? I've heard that name long ago.. I am Azure pleased to make your acquaintance! Come this way all people passing through need to go through a check up by Eterna" He spoke kindly. Fallacy just nodded in silence, he was wary of the turn in events. Azure led them to a small tent just inside the village, it was not very big or fancy, just a tan tent. He led them inside and Eterna the lead guard stood awaiting their arrival.

"Names?" She demanded. Azure wanted to speak but sighed and walked out of the tent. Eterna repeated herself with violence in her voice, Fallacy snarled slightly.

"I am Fallacy this Suave, my butler," Fallacy hissed impatiently. Eterna glared at them and grabbed Fallacy's hand and dragged him to a stretcher type bed and sat him down, before he could snap a harsh reply, Eterna pulled his mouth open violently. Fallacy yelped in shock and tried to bite her hand, she pulled her hand a way and in one swift movement shoved him down till he couldn't move or struggle away. She handcuffed him and barked loud words Suave and Fallacy didn't understand in the heat of the moment. 

"Master Fallacy!" Suave cried. Fallacy screamed in revoke to escape Eterna but she held her grip Azure and several other guards rushed in reply to Eterna's sharp words, one grabbed Suave who screamed in terror. 
" Get off me you maniacs! I'm here to speak to the king! In peace you imbeciles!" Fallacy screamed angered and pissed. Eterna hissed curses at Fallacy and heaved him to his feet, still cuffed.
"We'll bring you to the king but one wrong move and I'll wear you fangs as a necklace vampire!" Eterna growled.  The guards heaved Suave and Fallacy through the village to the castle. They arrived to the throne room and golden flowers grew everywhere shining silver in the moonlight. It stabbed at Fallacy's heart but he kept a stern face. The King looked at Eterna then at Fallacy and Suave then back at Eterna, then he took a deep breath and confronted them.
"Eterna, who are our guests and why are they cuffed! I told you to treat all guests respectfully no matter they're species... I'm sorry about her how are you two?"
Fallacy gave a confused frown and Eterna reluctantly took off the cuffs and the quards set Suave down.
"Ehem. I am Fallacy prince of the vampires. I come in peace to discuss an issue in my kingdom.." Fallacy spoke and stepped forward. The king's eyes widened. Fallacy bowed respectfully and looked up in a serious matter.
"Many years ago I sent a letter to your kingdoms necromancer in a search for help, he never replied so I come here five years later to discuss the details do I have consent? Or not?" Fallacy asked annoyed by all the surprise surfacing the room.
The king cleared his throat.
"Yes, you have my consent, what is the issue? I do recall the letter we never really understood the vampires then, but your mother was kind and spoke to us not many moons ago...." the king croaked. Fallacy heart burned and his heart ached in throbbing pain. He took a deep breath.
"Sir my mother has been murdered, by...by my father, the king of the vampires..." He said warily. The k8ng looked down at him in shock, his eyes wide and his old hands trembled.
"Young child, this cannot be true! If this is just a trick to get the throne for yourself I couldn't take that risk!" The king exclaimed. Fallacy stomach dropped. He wouldn't be able to convince the king of his father's treachery, no one believed him.
"No that's not what's happening! I sware, sir, he's begun his tyrantcy! Under his rule peasants will die and my people will starve!" Fallacy cried. Suave nervously shited his weight to his other foot.
"M-master Fallacy, this is hopeless they'll never believe us! We will leave and stop this murderer ourselves!" He said trying to sound confident to change Fallacy's mind. Fallacy nodded grimly.
"Yes, Suave, once I am king you'll be sorry you didn't help, because as long as my Father is alive both our people will die!" These words echoed throughout the throne room as Fallacy swept out of the room down the long cascading hallway, Suave hurrying along behind him.

Fallacy's past {DISCONTINUED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora