Once upon a murder,

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Fallacy and Suave returned home with soft smiles curled on their lips. The moon was just setting when they entered the castle. The king sat sloppily on the queen's old throne not really mourning his lose, but slacking around and selfishly getting really comfortable. Fallacy's smile faltered to a snarl. He bared his fangs at his wretched father. Suave pulled him away and into the hall. 

"Master Fallacy calm down! I believe you. Your Father is guilty of his crime but we have to have a better plan at exposing him..." Suave explained.  Fallacy regained his conscious and calmed down. He looked down at the small servant and sighed.

"you're right.....I need an assassination plan...." He sneered and ran to his room he approached his desk and sat he grabbed pen and ink and began to write a letter. A very sinister letter. Suave entered Fallacy's room with caution and worry for his master infected his heart. He knew the poison of pain and grief had captivated him in a world of hurt. Suave sighed, there was no getting him back till his revenge came. 

Hours had passed, Fallacy didn't exit his room, he was absorbed in his letter it had to be perfect. Suave called him for dinner and he didn't come, Fifi asked him if he was okay and he wouldn't reply. The whole castle bustled with fear of the young master til a voice rang through the hall.

"Oh Fallacy! My dear son!~" The king's voice rumbled. Fallacy froze in his works, his heart seemed to stop beating. He glanced at the door afraid to rise from his seat. He debated with himself and exhaled and walked solemnly down the hall. 

The king sat in the torture chambers awaiting his soon to be dead son. He had been waiting to do this since the wretch entered his life! He chuckled evilly and stared at the door. Fallacy slowly entered with great caution. 

"Y-Yes Father?" Fallacy stuttered nervously. The king smiled showing his crooked stained teeth. Fallacy shuddered as chills ran their cold fingers up and down his spine. 

"Will you assist me in preparing this fine machinery?" Fallacy knew he wouldn't have a choice and he wasn't preparing them for someone, he was preparing it for himself...Fallacy slowly stepped into the room with great caution, his heart pounded against his chest.  Before Fallacy could take his next breath the king lashed his back with a cat of nine tails. The tar covered ends scraped against him like fire eating away at his skin. He yelped and almost collapsed. The king laughed at his frail bleeding back. Fallacy cringed as tears began to slip from his eyes. He was shaking badly.  The king grabbed Fallacy's hands and tied them together, Fallacy couldn't protest as his hand were tied to a wooden post. He faced it and his father tore his shirt off. The king lashed at his back with the whip many times, Fallacy felt his blood seep from his wounds his screams filled the air. Pain enclosed him and his body went limp. He fainted. His Father sneered in success he tossed the whip onto a table nearby, Fallacy's blood dripped onto the concrete flooring.The king walked from the  room blowing out his only lantern leaving Fallacy for the diseases that lurked beneath the shadows.


For those who don't know what a cat of nine tails is it's a whip with nine slashy things with tar on the tips, look it up :P

Fallacy's past {DISCONTINUED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن