The holes in my memories burn away your face.

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Fallacy awoke in a cold sweat. Memories of a dream burned in his mind. Something wasn't right about his dream it felt way too real. Fallacy sat up and covered his face with his hands and let burning tears drip from his eyes. In his dream he woke and his mother was dead and bleeding in his bed beside him. Fallacy was older in his dream, it confused him he had never had such a dream before. He steadied his breathing and exhaled deeply then looked around his room the moon had risen and it seeped through his satin curtains. He slid off his bed and set the covers aside, it was a beautiful night that was for sure. He walked slowly to his window and drew back the curtains to gaze up at the full shining moon. He sat on the window sill and gazed up at the sky, his face silver in it's light. He waited till there was sound from outside his door this told him everyone was beginning to wake and the servants were beginning to bustle around the halls to complete their chores.

He wiped the drying tears off his cheek and stood. He made his way to the door, lifting his hand to it's handle, but he hesitated before he creaked open the old door. His own mind wondered why he stopped before opening it but there was no time to think about such. Several servants greeted him with a warm smile. But Fallacy felt cold. Like an unearthed coffin. Today was going to be a rough day.

Fallacy quickly shut his door and set his back to it, sliding down to sit, he hugged his legs to his chest. He was scared, something terrible was going to happen. He felt he would be the cause. He had to get out the castle for a while. Just a few hours no one would miss him. He stood and steadied his shaking legs, he inhaled as he had done before. He made up his mind and changed into a pair of gray pants and a red and grey shirt that stitched up like buttons in the front but didn't quite come to the collar. The white sleeves were large and comfortable floating around his arms and closing around his wrists. He quickly grabbed his black riding cloak from his closet and wrapped it around himself closing the pin around his neck lightly he walked to his window and undid the lock and slid the window open silently. before he flipped his hood over his face he turned to look back and stared deeply into his vanity. The blue streams under his eyes reminded him of his tears, they stood out on his black face and didn't cover well under his hood. He sighed and dashed to his vanity and grabbed a small bag full of money. He might need them he sat on the window sill and swung his legs so they dangled off the side. He closed his eyes and concentrated all his magic till he felt his body shift and he spread what his arms once had been now in their place he had wing. His body was now small. He did it! All his training paid off He successfully turned himself into a bat! But he did not have much time his endurance wouldn't last long he must hurry.

Fallacy flew into the distance towards the village but had to stop somewhere close in the woods. He heaved. his sides hurt, as he leaned up against a tree to catch his breath his heart only sped up in a nervous yet excited passion. He was risking everything by visiting the village but it was worth every scent, taste, and feel in his wild, young, naive, opinion. Fallacy begun his journey to the entrance of the village....


Hello readers!! (why are there so many of you?!) This story is going well despite all my writer's block! I'm sorry updates are so damn slow. I have school and when I write at school the teachers stalk me from behind and then praise me on how good it is it's quite strange. but anywho I swear on my left foot I will update as soon as possible! Well seeya l8er!!!!!!!

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