The shadow of the our precious light

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     The queen awoke in a cold sweat horrified she looked around and saw sweet little Fallacy. She exhaled relieved she thought she lost him. She must of woken him because he shifted and looked at her with big round eyes. She picked him up and held him close. She never wanted to be far from Fallacy EVER.
She sighed and sat up fully. Her husband had not come to bed that night she knew why.  She frowned he should be happy! But he's being stupid Fallacy was not a mortal and she was no moron! How dare he hate this child it didn't make sense he wanted a child as well now they had one and the king was worried about it's mortality! The queen was enraged! The only thing that they had ever wanted was a child, now they had one and the king was worried about it's mortality that it no longer had. I mean It worked out fine Fallacy was a vampire and no longer mortal. Well it didn't matter now. The king had to help her raise this child even if he didn't want to. He could kick her out of the castle for all she cared! She had Fallacy and that was good enough for her.  So if the king wanted her he would have to show her respect because he only did when they had guests.
Breaking her from her thoughts, Fallacy reached up to her face and made noises only infants could make. Ones that didn't make sense to her but formed perfect sentences for him. She smiled and wondered what he was saying. He giggled at her and stuck his tongue out. She laughed a loud chuckle that echoed off the bedroom walls. But they were not loud enough to wake anyone.  He laughed back like it was funny.
The queen felt whole again. Something had filled the void for her she didn't have to be alone.

Hey guys! Omgawd you are going to hate me because i have something terrible planned ohohoho! I am evily scheming here lmao well a longer chapter for you that should make up for the short one...Till Next Time.


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