Shall we see the sun together?

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The trees swayed in the gentle breeze, Encre stared in awe at it's grace. Normally people weren't allowed in the forest because it was vampire territory but it was day and there would certainly be no vampires due to the sun. Speaking of the sun it was shining in a peaceful heat that warmed his bones removing the chill of the castle. Encre sighed and  Eterna threw her knife in the air to catch it by it's blade. Encre rolled his eyes at her boredom, since she was a vampire hunter she  was allowed to travel the wood as she pleased! Of course Encre was a little jealous but now that he was here to paint his heart skipped with a sense of glee. He found a nice gentle willow that sat on the ledge that looked over a small valley. Encre saw the silhouette of a large castle like building which stood against  the sunset with a beautiful glow. Encre assumed it was an abandoned building from long ago when the humans fled the forest because of the vampires it did look pretty run down too. He smiled at the scene and unpacked his supplies and began to sketch, Eterna sat down under a tree and began to nap in its shade. Encre painted and was so distraught by it he barely realized that the moon began to rise. He barely realized that a group of bat began to swarm him. Eterna stirred from her sleep and screamed, she flung her knives at the bats till they scattered in terror .

"Encre?! Are you okay?!" Eterna screamed. 

"Yeah! What about you? I-I didn't realize the bats I'm sorry...." Encre mumbled his heart pounded in the image of being drained of his blood, he shuddered and shoved his paints into his satchel.

"Encre it's really dark there's no way we'll find our way home like this and live...we'll have to find or build a shelter." Eterna grumbled pitifully. 

"W-we could check out that castle place I guess..." Encre mumbled. 

"Alright but I don't trust it..." Eterna scowled at the silhouetted building in the ever so distance. They stood on the ledge wary of their surroundings  Eterna took the first move and slid down the slope to the valley, Encre cautiously edged his way down occasionally slipping  but holding his ground.  He met Eterna at the bottom his fear rising like bile in his throat.  The two made their way to the castle, there wasn't to much time that had passed before the reached it's grand doors. They stared in awe and slight fear, Encre was shaking in the slightest. 

"Come on Encre it's not that scary!"Eterna said with a sharp edge to her tone. 

"I-I know but I just wonder if this place is h-haunted! Or something!" Encre said attempting to defend his feelings. Eterna decided she didn't want to wait for Encre and she yanked the doors open with brute force. They both gasped when they saw the castle was brightly lit and bustling with activity. This wasn't any old abandoned building, this was the vampire castle...

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