Chapter 12 : Notch's Bro Is A Pleb

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EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR THE BOOK: Before this chapter starts, I just wanna say that I accidentally made Mitch's powers too OP, cause I meant to mention that Mitch's powers have a limit, so he can't just tell something to kill Herobrine, or revive all the guys and teleport them to him, or tell something to give him more powers or something. Okay enough from me, you can go back to the chapter now. P.S. DOESN'T LACHLAN LOOK SO CUTE IN THAT VIKKSTAR HOODIE?!?!

~Lachlan's POV~

"Are we sure that we can trust this woman Choco?" Jerome asked again.

"Yes Pete, I'm sure." Vikk sighed.

"What if she works for Herobrine?" Mitch asked.

"Then she would have led Vikk and I to Herobrine's Layer so that he could kill us instead of leading us all there. She didn't seem that senseless." I cut in. Rob looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself after my comment.

"Guys, Kenny's right. Besides, she noticed my powers. If she really was loyal to Brine she would've reported me to him any way. Then we'd really be in danger. Look, there she is." Vikk said, pointing at the woman at the woman we had met earlier.

"Besides, if she's a spy, we can totally take her on." I said with confidence.

"I don't know Ken Ken, you looked pretty scared of her back then," Vikk smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Great banter." I laughed. We walked up to the woman, some of us threw back our hoods only Vikk and I had our hoods on, cause I mean, Herobrine probably knew us by face by now. When the woman saw us, she perked up, motioning for us to follow her. She led us down the street to the mines where we would meet up with her friend.

"Pss!! Caleb!! Over here!!" The woman whispered to a guy with a diamond pickaxe.

"Hmm? Keeley? What are you doing here? Who are these people?" 'Caleb' asked.

"These people are against Herobrine and are trying to defeat him. They need to use the nether portal." 'Keeley whispered to Caleb. Caleb's eyes widened and he gasped in shook, turning towards us.

"Are you guys insane? That's so dangerous!! You're gonna be killed!!" Caleb whisper shouted, glaring in our direction.

"He has a friend of ours!! A friend who we can't let go..." Rob spoke up, lowering his voice at the last part. Mitch and I looked at him with sympathetic expressions. I felt really bad for the guy. He and Preston were best friends. As Jerome walked over to comfort Rob, Vikk explained the whole prophecy and revival thing to Caleb and Keeley. I looked at Caleb who looked really guilty.

"Wow, sorry about being so hard on you guys before. It's just, my brother Josh(A/N Yes, these are Preston's younger siblings. And I didn't know what to do with Joshua so I made him dead like Rob's channel.) died to the hands of Herobrine." He sighed. "I'll help you, I think Josh would want me to. You guys sound like you have the potential to defeat that monster. Come, this way." He said.

We silently followed him to what we assumed was the nether portal to Herobrine's Fortress, making sure that we had lots of pebbles for Mitch to turn into items, just in case. Besides, you never know when we have to throw something at Brine any way. Honestly, it doesn't take much to make Herobrine mad.... So throwing stones at him might be enough. While Caleb started to unlock a big door, he motioned for us to put our hoods up in case there were any guards inside. He opened the door and looked inside the enormous building.

"No one's here. It's safe. For now. We have to hurry, if those guards are on lunch break then we don't have much time." He said, pulling something out of his pocket. "Here's a map of Herobrine's Fortress, I won't need it for a while. Once you enter through the portal, it will make enough noise for the guards to be alerted, so once you're through, either run or hide for your lives. Now hurry through the portal. GO!!" He whispered, giving us a rolled up map.

We dashed off quietly through the portal. And I took one look back. Only to see that the door was now closed, and probably locked. Now we have another reason to defeat Herobrine. To avenge Josh, Caleb's late brother.

~Jerome's POV (A/N Cause it's been a while.)~

"GO CMON HURRY!!" I yelled for the boys to hide. Rob tote off his grey hoodie, revealing his blue one, and took off into the sky, away from close combat. Lachlan and Vikk dove into a large pile of nether rack, making sure that they can still see and breathe.

Mitch jumped out the window...

I looked out of that window and saw that there was a ledge just under it. Crouching, Mitch signaled for me to join him, which I gladly did. Peaking out of the window, I saw that Rob was sitting quietly on top of the portal, looking nervous. Suddenly, some wither skeletons wearing diamond armor came rushing through the portal, looking quite angry. One of then clattered their bones to the others and pointed in forward. The small group of 10 guards spilt up into 2 groups and took off in different directions, behind the magenta portal, and in front of it. Wow, Caleb wasn't kidding about those guards being alert was he. I thought. I made eye contact with Rob who had an amused expression on his face as he flew off of the portal, landing silently. We all jumped out of our hiding spots and and gathered in front of the lavender portal.

"Jezz, Notch's brother is such a pleb." Lachlan muttered.

"Alright guys, how are we going to find Preston?" Rob whispered.

"Well, we could-"

"Stop right there intruders." Mitch was cut off by a raspy male voice.

Please don't hate me for the cliff hanger. It was getting to be way to long. (1007 words). Anyways I hope you all enjoyed that chapter of We're In This Together cause I'm the person who wrote it so I kinda want people to like it. Ok bye.

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