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I can't believe it....

I don't want to believe it....

He was my ultimate idol. My first bias. My role model. I may be a Namjoon stan now but Jonghyun was always my number one. His songs made me feel like I had somebody who could relate to me. His voice was so beautiful and to think.....

That I will never be able to hear it sing again

I can feel the darkness clouding me......

The same darkness that pushed him to leave..

That pushed him to do this......

I wish

I wish

I wish that I could've saved him...

Maybe it was me he was missing from his life

Maybe it was you...

I know he's happy now tho...
The pain of existence and life on earth in this universe is overwhelming.

You did well Jonghyun Kim.

You did so well.....

I miss you....

I'm happy for you....

When I die.....
When it's my turn to leave....

I hope I get to see you....

Wait for me....


Caramel Memberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن