Save me I cant get a grip on myself

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Bibi POV: (2 years later)
I lay on the beach towel listening to the waves. The sound so calming yet so riveting. Namjoon walks over, "Why don't you get in the water with the others?". I raise one finger and point to my hair and another then point to me, "Ya girl not tryna drown today or kill her curls". I get up and stretch, dusting off stray sand particles. Namjoon raises an eyebrow, "You can't swim? But i thought you loved water". I look over to him, "I do but I was just never taught how to swim. Plus there was one time when I was 6 or 7 and I left the kiddie pool to go swim with the big kids . I took my floaty cuz ya girls smart, but when I jumped in, I had mistakenly went to the 10ft area and sank through my floaty". He looked worried, "What happened". I shrug, "My brother saw me under the water and put me on his back and took me out the water". I glanced at the water, watching hobi and V fight over a floaty, "I remember how it looked under the surface. It was beautiful. Instead of being traumatized it made me determined to learn. Sadly all I know is how to hold my breath and do the frog and dolphin." Namjoon stood up and grabbed my arm, "Let's go. You're learning how to swim". Me being a shrimp, I had no choice but to go with him.

We waded out to about hip depth for him and stomach depth for me. He held is arms out parallel in the water, "Lay across my arms and slightly hold your breath". "I will not let you sink, just trust me and your body will go into instinct". I looked at him and then looked at the water, " I swear to god if i end lookin like a blow fish". He laughed and kept his arms out. I laid across his arms and breathed in slightly feeling the warm water on my neck and back. I lifted my legs and cringed my body expecting to sink. "Relax I'm still right here. Release your breath and breathe normally." I let out a shaky sigh and slowly let myself sink into namjoons arms. I look up at him worriedly and then at the sky. I listen as the water flows in and out of my ears, and the boys laughter and splashes become muffled. I close my eyes and picture I'm alone. Floating aimlessly across the water. The water is clear enough to see the fish swimming beneath the surface. I see moon jellyfish bouncing across the water. Everything is peaceful. I open my eyes to see namjoon a little aways from me. I stand up and pull him out further, "I want to go underneath." I say with excitement. He stops me, "Are you sure you're ready for that, i mean you just learned how to float. I still don't know if you can even hold your breath correctly-" I stop him, "I want to see what's underneath. I swim fairly well underwater, I just suck at keeping myself above the water. Plus it's not like you're gonna let me drown right?" He sighs and shakes his head, "Alright but I'm not letting go of your hand". I jump splashing some water on him. "LETS GO!!"

Joon POV:
I let Bibi pull me out towards the deeper parts of the water until My feet are almost not touching the sand. I wrap her arms around my neck, "Let's see how well you can hold your breath. Don't let go." She nods and I feel her breath in and out before holding her breath. I go under the water until I see the edge of the sand drop off. I swim out a few feet and stop. I look over to see Bibi holding on to me tightly without her eyes even open. If I could sigh I would. I pull her around to face me and tap her head to open her eyes. She hesitates and looks around us seeing nothing but water. I can see the worried look on her face and almost laugh. I point to the drop off to show her we're not too far out. She relaxes and looks at me. I point to a lone fish swimming by and watch her face light up. I release her arms off my neck and hold her hand. We swim out a little bit more and look at the empty ocean. I look over at bibi and see her in awe. Her usually tightly coiled hair was now flowing lightly around her face. Her brown skin glowin as the sun kissed it under the water. Her face curiously gazing into the deep water, wondering if anything would come out. She looks amazing, as if she's at home. Bibi let's go of my hand and hesitantly swims away from me. Her swimming is like a mermaid. Hands to her side and feet together. She smiles at me and grabs my hand. She mouths the words 'Thank you' and hugs me. I smile, I love seeing her happy. But of course she'll never know that. I pull us up to the surface and take a deep breath. Bibi holds onto my shoulder and shakes her hair, "That was so amazing. Ya did you see how quiet everything looked. It was everything was in slow motion oh my god. And the tiny fish swam by like we wasn't even there. Oh sweet Jesus i can't breath". She breathes heavily. I laugh and swim us back to shore. The boys are sitting down eating snacks and sleeping i lay down face first across my towel as Bibi sits beside me on hers. Hoseok walks over holding two cans of sprite and hands them to us, "Wow Bibi your hair looks pretty when it's wet. How'd you like the water?" He sits beside her and hands her a towel. "Oh Really, Watch when it drys my hair will look short. And the water was so pretty". He laughs and places the towel across my back. Taking a sip of his drink before laying down. Shortly after we hear short deep breaths coming from bibi, as she drifts off to sleep. "She's beautiful."Hoseok says nonchalantly while taking another sip. Suga tiredly strides over, "She really is. It's amazing how much she's grown with us in this short time. Her personality compliments us so much. It feels even more like family with her around."

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