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Song for this chapter:
Body Down - Elliot Root

It was finally time for my doctors appointment and I couldn't wait for them to tell me what the hell was wrong for me. I already know it's just some severe congestion, them just give me some hardcore antibiotics and I'll be good. I get dressed and as soon as I'm done putting on my last shoe, I hear the buzz which meant Michael was here. I rush over and press the button that'll let him in.

We are just going to go get my results, finally see what's wrong with me, get some meds and go eat together and spend some time together.

Michael comes through my door a few moments later with a smile on his face.

"Hey." He greets me
"Hey." I greet back smiling

I grab my bag and I grab my essentials, my phone, wallet, and keys. Without saying a word we leave my apartment and head to my car and we both get in. And I begin to make way to the doctors office.

On the short trip there michael ends up falling asleep. I'm pulling into the parking lot and I decide to let him sleep. It was a pretty day out so I lowered the windows, turned off the ignition, and left the keys.

I got my self out of the car and go inside where I proceed to check myself in. As I wait, about 20 minutes passed before they called me back. The nurse weighed me, checked my height and placed me into a room, informing me the doctor would be in shortly.

As I'm waiting I get a text. It was Michael.

"Hey, sorry I fell asleep. Do need/want me to come in with you?"

I could just feel his concern. I smile.

"No baby, it's okay. I'll be out asap. Thank you though."

5 minutes later the doctor comes in. She introduced herself and then starts asking me questions

"Do you drink?"
"Are you sexually active?"
"So there's no way you could be pregnant?"
" Currently taking any medications?"
"Okay, so what are you here for today?" She asks finally looking up from her clipboard.

"Well lately I've been coughing a lot, and when I do, there's blood." I really didn't know how else to explain it.

"Well you said you smoke, so that could be a contributing factor. How do you feel when you cough?"

"There's just a lot of pain and blood. I can't stop it, it just keeps going." I press my lips into a thin line.

The doctor then writes things down on a piece of paper. Then hands it to me," Go down to radiology, they will do various scans on you. After those are finished you are to wait in the waiting room where you just were and a nurse will then call you back to my office." I then get off the bed I was sat on and make my way to radiology.

I hand my paper to the receptionist and he then leads me to a back room where he tells me to change into a robe and remove any jewelry, and asks me a question.

"And as far as your concerned, you are not pregnant, correct?" He asks. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I answered anyway.

"I'm not." I force a smile.

He nods and leaves the room. I change into the robe and remove my earrings, necklace and ring that Michael had give me just a few weeks ago.

A technician then comes in and guides me. And into the scanner I went. I tried to think about other things beside me being in a machine. I thought about my Job at B.I., Bruce, Juilliard, and Michael. I thought very little about everything... except michael.

I thought about a future with him. Being married, maybe even having children. I could see us growing old together. These thoughts occupied my mind and before I knew it, I was being pulled out of the machine.

I dressed myself and was told to wait in the waiting room. I sat in a chair and I looked at my left middle finger.
The ring Michael gave me. It was so close to the finger to the left of it, yet so far. Just wondering, I removed the ring from my middle finger and moved it over to the finger to the left of it. It felt and looked right, but I moved it back to its original spot and a few minutes later I'm called back. I'm taken into an office instead of a exam room.

I sat in a chair that was placed by the desk. I sat there waiting and waiting for the doctor to show up. I mean how long does it take for them to just write down a prescription for some antibiotics?

My doctor then comes in with clipboards and folders in hand and sits in the more cushioned chair across from me.

"Good after noon miss Paxton. How are you?" Said my doctor in a serious and monotone voice.

"I'm doing well, thank you." I smile.

"That's good to hear. So we've looked over the symptoms you've been having and your results from your scan various time." My doctor takes in a deep breath, "There's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to be straight forward. Miss Paxton, due to the fact you have been smoking so much for so long... you now have stage 3 lung cancer."

Stage 3 lung cancer?
Stage 3?
Lung cancer?

I was in shock that this was happening. What I had wanted for so long was now happening and now... I don't want it. It was part of the plan... ever since Michael came in... I've forgotten about it really... It wasn't my top priority anymore.. I wasn't really in the right state of mind. I heard a few words like chemotherapy, limited options, very little time, fast spreading, days.

"I'm very sorry Miss Paxton. We will call you with your first day of chemo."

I say goodbye to my doctor and I quickly leave. I'm rushing out of the office, into the waiting room I was just in, down the long hallway, and outside into the parking lot where Michael was waiting for me... Michael... Oh dear god. How am I going to tell him.

I was pissed... I was pissed at my self.... pissed at Michael.. pissed at the world.

I couldn't think straight, I just kept running my hands through my hair. I just got into my car, whipped out of my parking spot and I began to speed down the highway. I didn't know where to go, and quite frankly I didn't care where I would end up. 

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