Song for this chapter
Don't know why - Norah Jones

I haven't talked to Michael since our "date". No text or calls from me to him, but he's tried to contact me, to which I ignored all of them. I was having a pretty good day at work and I was going on stage soon in about half an hour. I was bartending tonight, when I see someone sit down, but I don't look at them, as I was busy making or refilling drinks.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" I ask the unknown person .

"I'll take a beer and a text back." The voice says, I stop for a moment and my head snaps up. The "unknown person" was Michael. I take a deep breath, and continued what I was doing. I finally get Michaels beer, filling the glass and sliding it over to him. I then start to make other drink orders that had just came in.

"I want to talk DJ." Michael says to me, while looking at me through his lashes.

"Well you're gonna have to wait a while. I'm busy." I sass him.

"I got all night, I got nothing better to do." He remarks. I roll my eyes, and just my luck, my back up shows up. Now making me free to talk to michael, which I do not want to do. I dash out of the bar area and outside to smoke before my performance.

"DJ, could you just tell me why you're ignoring me?" I hear Michael asks as he approaches me on the patio. "Is it because I tried to kiss you?" He sounded hurt.

"It's complicated, Michael." I say running one hand through my hair the other one putting the cigarette in my mouth.

"Why? Why is it complicated?" He asks and sits down in front of me. "Do you have a secret boyfriend I don't know about? If you do I'm sorry." He looks at me sincerely.

I laugh, "No, I don't have a boyfriend."

He sighs, "Well that's good to hear. But explain to me why it's complicated, please. I would rather you tell me than just to ignore me. I thought we had something."

I laugh some more, "What?" Michael asks.

"You thought we had something going on? What just because you took me on a 'date' doesn't mean we are together. I'm sorry if I made you think that."

"I know we aren't together, but I was hoping we could work on that DJ." He looked hurt, and the way his eyes looked, it almost made me want to throw myself at him.

"Uhh... I don't really don't do the whole... dating thing. I hate to break it to you, but that "date" was a one time thing." I say, while finishing up my cigarette.

Michael looks like he was on the verge of tears, "I'm sorry to whoever hurt you, but I wouldn't do that. Okay, I don't know if you can tell, but I really like you and I wish you would give me a chance." Hes not even looking at me .

"Nobody has ever hurt me. I've never been a relationship Michael." I sigh. Not really knowing what else to say. I've never thought about being in a relationship.

He's clearly surprised, "Oh." Is all he says.

"Sorry not sorry about this. But it would never work. I don't even want to talk or think about this ever again. Going on that 'date' with you was clearly the worst mistake I ever made." I cross my arms, "I appreciate you taking me to what was possibly one of the best days of my life, but it can't happen again." And as soon as the last syllable left my mouth, I walked away, went inside, to the back, and into the employee bathroom.

God, oh God. What is this feeling? Why am I crying? Why did that just hurt so much? Oh,no.. I can not be falling for him. What's wrong with me? I can't fall for him. He's messing up my plan. Pull yourself together DJ, this not you. Don't waste your time like this.

I look myself in the mirror, fixed my smeared makeup, composed myself. Then I was ready. I went out into the main room and I saw Michael sitting at a table near the front. His back towards me. I can tell just by the way he was sitting he was upset.

Don't DJ, you are stronger than this.

The jazz ensemble was finishing up a song, then they finally wailed out the last note and my manager went onto the stage and like always, he used my full name.

"Now, please welcome our very own, Delilah Jane!"

I go up onto the stage, and introduce myself like always, "Hello everyone, my name is DJ. And this is 'Don't know why'."

The soft introduction came in and then I started to sing.

"I waited 'til I saw the sun
I don't know why I didn't come
I left you by the house of fun
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come"

Although I had planned this song about 3 weeks ago,of course I have the sad song today of all days.

"When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand"

I started to look across the audience, some where swaying, tapping their foot or fingers, some guy at table 9 looking at me in a flirtatious way, then I look over at table 2, only to see a hurt Michael.

"My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind

"Out across the endless sea
I would die in ecstasy
But I'll be a bag of bones
Driving down the road alone"

He was obviously trying hard not to make eye contact with me, and I don't blame him. I treated him like shit.

"My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind

I know what I have to do.

"Something has to make you run
I don't know why I didn't come
I feel as empty as a drum
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come"

The audience then claps, Michael then gets up and leaves, I say my thank yous to them and get off the stage. I see Michael heading for the door and so do I. He's only a few steps ahead of me, I step outside into the freezing cold. Michael was starting to walk faster so did I, I was pretty much running.

I finally catch up to him, not saying anything, I pull on his arm, pull him towards me and I put my lips on his. It started off slow, but slowly grew to more. After all of the build up, it was all pouring out now.

His lips were so soft. It was everything I thought it would be and more. The way his hands wrapped around my waist, his kiss so gentle, but with a drive behind it. I pressed myself closer to him.

 I pull away from him. A little breathless

"I want this to work. I want to try... this.. you, me... us. Can we try?" I look up at him and into his eyes. No verbal response, he just leans back down and kisses me.


Once I was home after a long night I went into my bathroom and started to wash my face off, removing my makeup. Once my face was washed I looked into my mirror and there was something a little different about me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it because with in a moment I'm over come with a sudden urge to cough and pain in my chest.

Soon I'm hovering over my sink coughing and coughing, and it wasn't stopping. The pain was excruciating but once it did stop, I finally managed to open my eyes and when I did I'm shocked what I see.

Blood was splattered everywhere. On my sink, my shirt, the floor, the mirrior, trickling off of my lips. Just add a corpse and it could pass for a murder scene. I'm probably just getting the flu or something.

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