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Songs for this chapter
Sing, Sing, Sing - Louis Prima, Alan Silvestri
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra
When I Fall In Love - Renee Olstead

Bruce parked his car in the employee parking lot behind the building we work in. We begin to make our way inside, I opened the door, the smell of cigarettes was faint but still present, Jazz music was being played by the small ensamble on the stage. They were performing Benny Goodmans "Sing, Sing, Sing". The upbeat song giving the club a positive atmosphere. People enjoying the ensembles performance, nodding their heads, tapping their feet to the beat, and enjoying their food and drinks.

The ensemble was giving a killer performance as always, but as it got later into the night the busier it got. I was showing people to their tables, taking orders, refilling drinks, cleaning tables, it was hectic as always but I loved it. I was taking a small break, when this group of 4 boys came in. I was glad I wasn't the one that had to wait on them, bigger groups stress me out more than they should. I saw that Bruce had to wait on them. He took their orders.

A few minutes later Bruce came up behind me, tapping me on my shoulder. "Hey DJ, do me a big favor. Can you get table 6, with the four boys. I really have to go take a piss."

"God, why me?" I say, sighing.
"I just need to take a piss, just take them their food and I'll take over again once i'm done." He says, bouncing slightly on his feet.
"God, you're so fucking lucky I love you. You should really slow down on the fireball." I roll my eyes, and Bruce bolts to the bathroom.

I head to get table 6 their food and head over there. The 4 boys immediately stop talking when I approached their table. They were probably about the same age as me, maybe a little older, but not by much. I hand all of them their food. They were pretty cute, but the one that caught my attention the most was the pale boy with the reverse skunk hair. But, I had to go wait on more tables and like a good waitress. "Is there anything else I can get you guys?" All four of them shake their heads. I smile, "Alright, well, my name is DJ, just let me know if you need anything." And I walk away, sighing once I was a good ways away from them

By now the ensemble had just finished up the song they were performing, and I knew what that meant. I saw the manager get on the stage. I was already preparing myself.

"Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great time here at Blue Iridium!" My manager speaks, making the audience bursts into applause. "Now there's plenty of good music to come, and up next is our very own, Delilah Jane!" I cringe at him saying my full name, atleast he didn't say my last name. I let out another sigh and make my way to the stage where the ensamble was waiting for me. I stand in front of the microphone and speak.

"Hello everyone, my name is DJ, and I'll be singing Fly me to the moon." I smile and I hear the tap off, the few piano notes and I begin to sing. I love to sing, but I always get so nervous on front of people, but ever since I started to work at Blue Iridium, I've slowly started to get over my phobia.

"Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me"

I'm nervous, but I really love this.

"Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you"

I could just feel everyone's eyes on me. I look throughout the crowd. Trying not to make eye contact, in the back I could see Bruce with a huge smile on his face.

"Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words
In other words
I love... you"

As soon as I sung the last note, I felt this surge of confidence go through me.
"Thank you." I say, my cheeks flushed. Not just from being nervous, but being under these bright, hot lights can really get to you. "And I will be singing one more song for you tonight. Here is When I Fall in Love."

The pianist begins to play the intro, And then I begin to sing the first words of the song.

"When I fall in love, it will be forever, or I'll never fall in love in a restless world like this is."

As I sung this, I was looking at the crowd, instead of over them. As I was looking, I made eye contact with the boy with the reverse skunk hair. Oh god. I continued to sing the song, and I gave a strong finish. The audience then gave me an applause, I gave one last thank you and said goodbye.

After that, I really needed to take a smoke break. I went and told Bruce to cover for me as I did. I walk outside to the front where our smoke area was, there were only two other people there. I leaned against the wall, pull my pack out from the small pocket on my apron. I take a cigarette out, and the lighter I jam into the carton. I light it, and the smoke overcomes me, and I instantly feel better.

Eventually, I get tired of standing so I take a seat on one of the few chairs we have. That's when I hear footsteps coming towards the smoke area.

"God, Calum, it's freezing balls out here and you wanna go for a smoke?" I hear someone say, they obviously have an accent. "Sorry Michael, you know I can't help it. "

And I see two boys from table 6. The one with dark hair and brown skin, and the one with reverse skunk hair. The dark hair boy then puts a cigarette in his mouth, which had to be Calum, searches for his lighter, but has no luck.

"Fuck, Mike. I didn't bring my lighter." Calum says.

God, I would hate to be in Calums position. And God, I'll probably regret this later. I stand up from my chair, and walk over to the two boys. I hand my lighter to Calum. His eyes light up when I hand him the small lighter.

"Thank you so much." He says, and lights his cigarette. He hands me my lighter back. I nod my head and head back to my chair. As I'm sitting down, I see reverse skunk hair, sitting down in front of me. He's just smirking away while I'm confused as hell.

"Hiii?" I question, while raising an eyebrow at him. But I continue to smoke.

"Hi." He smiles at me, going back and forth, looking at me and my cigarette.

"Can I help you?" I ask him. First I was worried, but now it's just getting weird.

"You probably already know this... But you know you really shouldn't smoke. It's bad for you." He states.

"And you're telling me this because...." I'm super lost by this strangers comment at my habit.

"Im just concerned." He shrugs his shoulders as if it was nothing.

"Well, I think you should be more concerned about your friend over there rather than me." I bluntly state, wishing he would go away.

"Oh, I have told him he should stop, but he's stubborn and continues to do it." He says, while looking at his friend. His friend oblivious that we were talking about him, too occupied by his cigarette.

"Well if your friend won't listen to you, what makes you think a stranger will?" I sassily remark. God, this conversation was going a lot longer than I would I like it to be. Now here comes the regret I was talking about earlier.

"Well maybe hearing a strangers concern, could help you quit. But if you don't want to listen to a strangers concern, we can change that, DJ. I'm Michael." He smirks, and extends his hand out to me.

I shake my head and roll my eyes, but I shake his hand any way. "Nice to meet you too, Michael. I'm DJ."

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