Song for this chapter:
Reflecting Light - Sam Phillips
"So DJ, tell me about yourself. I want to get to know you." He gives me a smug look.

"I dont think you want to get to know me." I chuckle at the fact that this complete stranger wants to 'know me'.

"And you saying that, only wants makes me want to get to know you even more now." He says, smirking. God, that was such a fucking cliche.

I roll my eyes. "Uhh... I don't think you want to know my sob story." I say and I pull out a new cigarette and light it.

"That's where you're wrong. I love hearing beautiful girls sob stories." He says.

I scoff, "I'm sure you do. But luckily for me, I have a job to get back to." I say , stand up and walk towards the door, ready to go back inside. I take a few more minutes to finish my cigarette, and I hear rushing footsteps.

"DJ, please wait." I hear Michael plead, as I'm putting my cigarette butt in the ash tray by the door. I look at him, and he's a few feet away from me. " Im sorry if I came off as an arrogant, egotistical, garbage dirt ball, but I really want to get to know you. What time do you get off work?"

I look at my watch "In about 5 hours, why?" I cross my arms as a cold breeze comes through.

"Well, like I said, I would really like to get to know you. Meet me where we just were when you get off?" I think about what he just said. I really don't want to and I got nothing better to do.

"Okay." I nod and rub my arms as another breeze comes through.

He's obviously surprised but smiles at me, "Okay, cool." And he walks away and I head back inside, and I know I definitely went over my break time. Once inside I see that the other 3 boys from table 6 have left and now a couple sat at the table.

The next 5 hours go by quicker than I hope they would. I mean rushing around taking orders, refilling, making drinks, does ma the time go by quickly. I see Bruce having another fireball, at the bar. It was closing time and I'm thankful that I have tomorrow- technically today- off.

"Need a ride home? Or did you get one of those boys from table 6 to take you home?" Bruce smirks as he asks while running a hand through his hair, as I put my coat on.

"Hes not taking me home, but we are hanging out here in a little bit." I say, not really thinking about that much. Bruce spits out the fireball that was his mouth back into the cup.

"Do what now?" He asks, clearly in shock.

"Yeah, I mean. I got nothing better to do Bruce. I could either talk to this stranger or go smoke and entire pack at home." I say.

"Just be careful, because if he doesn't kill you, those cigarettes sure will." He downs the last of his fireball, and wipes his mouth off with the sleeve of his shirt, stands up from the bar stool and leaves.

I couldn't tell if Bruce was being serious or not. Bruce knows my plan, he knows my story and why I'm the way that I am. My plan goes a little like this

DJ's plan
1.) Smoke
2.) Don't fall in love
3.) Eventually die from smoking too much.

And that's it. It's fucked up, I know, but it's what I want. Losing my parents at a young age had the biggest impact on me. I would describe myself as Lilo from "Lilo And Stitch", only worse. I got into more fights than Lilo, I didn't have a sibling to rely on. I started smoking, rebelling, fighting, giving attitudes, I didn't have friends to go to in times of need. I never really had friends until I met Bruce, and even then it took a while for me to trust or open up to Bruce. My parents died in a plane crash, I had a pretty good childhood until they died. If my parents fought, they did a good job, because I never saw them fight. I remember always being happy, they always made sure I had what I needed, I don't remember the reason why, but they had to go on a business trip, I remember hugging and kissing my father good bye, and the way his beard tickled my face, and I remember struggling to hug my mom with her bump in the way, looking back she wasnt huge, but little me thought she was big, she was only a few months in. Only a few more months until I could've met my baby brother.

My aunt was watching me, I was watching my favorite movie. Ironically, it's "Lilo And Stitch". My aunts phone ringed and naturally she answered. I remember looking over at her tears going down her face and her hand over her mouth. I stood up and walked over to her, hugging her. She hung up her phone. She didn't tell me anything, my day went as planned, the way my mother left it on my schedule she left for my aunt. She continued crying through out the day. She made me my favorite meals, it tasted similar to my mother's but it was lacking something.

A few of my family members later then came over, with me not knowing anything, my younger self thought "Yay, slumber party.". That wasn't the case. Everyone was crying and I could only hug one person at a time in my small arms. The adults hugging back. I was sat at one of my little chairs playing with my Scrump doll my mother had hand made for me. Trying to avoid the crying people, that didn't work. One of my favorite aunts then tried to sit in one of my chairs. Barely fitting into it.

She takes a deep breath, looking at me with her red eyes. "Delilah, I have something important to tell you."

I gasp "ARE MY MOMMY AND DADDY GETTING ME A PUPPY?" I ask, I've been begging them for one.

She shakes her head,"No, baby." More tears coming out of her eyes.

"Oh...Then what is it?" I ask, giving her my puppy eyes.

"I really don't know how else to say it... but baby.... Mommy and Daddy aren't coming back they d-" tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No, mommy and daddy, are coming back. They promised." I say, going back to play with my Scrump doll.

"No... mommy and Daddy... died." And those 5 words are the ones that brought my world crashing down, my happiness disintegrated. I dropped my Scrump doll.

"H-h-how?" I stutter.
"The plane they went on, crashed.. I'm sorry baby." My aunt tries to comfort me.

The start of my attitude began now, any sort of compassion in my heart went out the window.


I then do something that even surprised me, I flip over my tea table, my Scrump doll getting squashed underneath it, I start throwing anything with in my arms reach.

My relatives trying to stop me. It just wasn't working. One of my uncles tried to grab ahold of me, but I managed to wriggle myself out. Once free I ran upstairs to my bedroom, which was also adorned in Lilo And Stitch decorations. Locking the door, I slid myself under my bed crying.

"Delilah Jane, please come out. Before we have to break the door down." Someone speaks, im not sure who, I couldn't decipher the voice over my sobs.

"No!" I scream at the person.

After that day, I was never the same. I was forced to pack up my stuff and had to live with my relatives. Every night for a while, I cried myself to sleep. I went through school alright, I had pretty good grades, it was just my attitude that was shit. I was offered my first cigarette in middle school, I've been addicted ever since. I got a job has soon I was 16, giving someone money and made them buy me cigarettes, hiding this from who ever I was living with at the time. But I also saved money so as soon as I turned 18 I bought this apartment,with some help from my relatives, and my own cigarettes, no longer forced to hide it. A few weeks after moving into this apartment I found Blue Iridium, I applied, got the job, and that's when I met Bruce.

That's it... that's my story...

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