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Song for this chapter:
I will be there - Odessa
I felt guilty about lying to Michael about working tonight, but I just need alone time today. I just do not want to be around people today. Today was the anniversary of my parents death.

I had cooked my alfredo, Lilo And stitch was ready to play, and I had my carton of cigarettes ready to be smoked. I was curled up on my couch, scarfing down my alfredo, thinking about my parents, smoking a cigarette every now and then, mouthing along to the movie. I had gotten to the part where Lilo was about to be taken away from Nani by Cobra Bubbles, when I heard an intense knocking at my door, scaring me.

"DJ, please open the door." I hear Michaels soft voice plead, which was the opposite of his knock.

I set my alfredo by my front table and open the door.

"What?" I ask. He looks me up and down. He's never seen me like this, I had on a loose shirt which was probably splattered with alfredo sauce, possibly giving him the wrong ideas, pajama shorts , and my hair in a bun which probably looked like a birds nest.

"I've been looking everywhere for you! I've been worried sick," He says, "I went to go see you at work, only for Bruce to tell me you don't work today, I checked your hideout, Barnes and Noble, the music store, and Chick-fil-A. Why didn't you just tell me you didn't want to hang out to-" Hes running his hand through his hair, but he sees my bowl of alfredo and sees Lilo And Stitch playing on my crap tv.

"DJ," he says softly, "Is it today?... I- I'm sor-." He stops as soon as I start crying. He closes the door and wraps his arms around me, I put my head on his shoulder and I just start bawling. My tears soaking his shirt. One of his hands rubbing up and down my back, he repeatedly kisses my forehead while whispering "I love you." Over and over again. I couldn't believe I was crying in front of him again, but I couldn't stop.

After, who knows how long, my crying started to stop. Me still pressed against Michaels chest, sniffling as a few stray tears rolled down my face. I just felt like shit and there was only one thing beside a few cigarettes that could cheer me up.

I look up at Michael for a while then I kiss him... hard. I then move to where I was straddling him. Moving my hips against his, receiving a moan from him. This only fuels me more, I then start to pick up speed, feeling myself getting wetter and making him harder.

I could feel him grow through the ungodly thin material of my pajama shorts. I can then feel Michael slowly pull away from me.

"Baby..." he says softly, "as much as I want to, I don't wanna do anything while you're upset." Looking me in the eyes as he strokes my messy hair and works his way down to my cheek.

I don't say anything, I just place my head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. Taking in a few, shakey deep breaths. He runs his hand up and down my back in efforts to comfort me.

I pull my self off of him and I sit on a different spot on the couch, looking at my tv as I see Jamba, Pleakly, Stitch, and Nani trying to save Lilo from Gantu. I see the my VHS player underneath my tv that was below my DVD player... I already knew what tape was in the VHS.

I get myself up off of the couch, I stop the DVD and I switch it to the VHS and begin to rewind the tape.

"Its horrible the way they died, ya know." I say flatly.

"I know it is baby. I'm sorry." My back is facing toward him so I couldn't see his face.

"Its even worse that I can see the exact moment they died." Before Michael says anything else, the VHS starts to play. The image of the two identical towers burning with the sound of the news broadcasters voice.

"We have just been informed that American Airlines flight 11 has just crashed into one of the Twin Towers."

And with that the video of that same plane, played on the screen. Flight 11 crashing into the building and immediately engulfed in flames. I didn't even realize I was crying until a tear rolled off of my cheek. My lips pressed into a thin line.

"Its just really hard you know... I want to forget about it, but how when everyone is saying "never forget". Well some of us want to forget. I want to move on so bad." I then reach over for a new cigarette. Lighting it and let the smile embrace my lungs.

"Have you ever been to ground zero?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "I could never bring myself to go."

"Get dressed, I'm taking you." He says. I really didn't want to change but I knew there would be a lot of people there today... and I was embarrassed to be messy in front Mikey, so id imagine id be mortified in front of a hundred thousand. I put my cigarette out in my ash tray.

I lethargically go to my room and dress myself. I put on a nicer pair of shorts, a shirt and converse. Fix my bun and I grab my phone, keys and wallet.

"Come on. We are taking the subway." He says, grabs my hand and we leave my apartment.

We venture out and start walking to the nearest station that would take us to the lower part of Manhattan. He guides me through the sea of people.

He finds us a train that will actually take us almost directly to ground zero. We board the train and we take our seats. I place my head on Michael's shoulder as we wait for our destination. After a few minutes Michael sees our stop is next so he holds my hand and helps my extra lethargic self up off of the seat. The train comes to a halt and the doors separate, allowing us to exit. We climb a set of ascending stairs and we were now outside again.

This part of the city was almost hauntingly silent. Just with a few honks every now and then. I could hear the sound of running water and just about a block in front of me there was a massive herd of humans.

Michael still holding on my hand, started to walk towards the site, but it was like as if I was cemented into the concrete. I could feel tears brimming in eyes. My heart dropped to the earths deepest layer. I was shaking my head vigorously.

"No, I-i- I cant." My voice hoarse, my breathing becoming ragged, "Baby, I cant." Tears now streaming out of eyes.

Michael then comes nearer to me. "I will wait until you're ready." He hugs me and I can see people walking around us. I felt bad, but I couldn't help it. We stood there for a few minutes before I decided I was ready. When I tell Michael, he doesn't say a word, he just nods his head, takes a hold of my hand again and leads the way.

We come across the South tower first. We continue to walk forward until we make it to the North tower. Names listed alphabetically by last name. I come across names like: Carl Adams, Denise Bennett,Jessica Carson.

Some names had flowers next to them, letters, stuffed animals.

I kept scrolling the names, with Michael behind me. I find my ways to the last names that start with "P". I take a deep breath and finally near the end of the list of "p's" there they were.

"Joel Paxton" and next to my father's name, was my mother's, "Lucy Paxton "
My breath got caught in my throat. I turn around and I see Michael was buying two roses from an elderly woman that was selling them. Once they were purchased, Mikey handed them to me.

I smile up at him and I take them from him. Facing back to the wall with names, I place one rose by each of my parents names. Running my fingers along the engraving of their names.

I could then feel Michael wrapping his arms around me. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. I turn myself around in his arms, burying my head in his chest. No longer being able to contain my emotions.

"Closure..." I mumble with tears streaming down my face.
"Closure." He whispers back and kisses my hair, and holds me tighter.

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