"Now I know everybody has heard the rumors of her return and I can assure most of it is true. But I also want to make sure that her identity or her whereabouts do not leave the walls of this palace. It is for her own safety on obvious reasons. Anybody disobeying these rules will find your yourselves without a tongue and several other limbs. I will know if any of you goes out of line. Whatever happens within these walls, stays within these walls. I'm sure every one of you is aware of the punishments we hold."

Derek was surprisingly quite frightening when he wanted to be. I saw many faces grow pale and some looking anywhere but me. I didn't like that he took all the control into his hands but I figured his words will be more effective than mine right now. But I could change that if I can prove myself in the fight.

Another man with a strong build and graying hair came to stand next to Derek. I recognized him as the one who was sparring with Derek earlier. Both of them nod at each other. The man scrutinized me for a couple of seconds and then nod his head, almost to himself. When he spoke, his voice was confident and composed.

"As His Highness said before, three of you will be fighting against Princess Elina. You may choose your own weapons. Usage of magic is not allowed as a strict rule. It will be one against one match. If one of you manages to pin the other down, they will be the victor. You will also get a promotion from your current position in the army. You may see your opponent not as a princess but as one of you. Remember, your object is to hurt and not maim." He finished.

In a few minutes, the floor was layered with rubber mats. I stretched my arms and legs, warming myself a bit. All the training I had was from the little time I spent at Lord Dimitri's. It wasn't much but if I could unlock the other side to me, I had a chance of surviving this. I scanned the room again, frowning when I didn't find Aiden.

"Looking for somebody?"

I jumped when I heard Hailey's voice. I turned around with a smile. It's been so long since we had a proper talk.

"Not really. I was just observing the crowd wondering if I could bribe some to cheer for me." I joked.

Hailey chuckled looking at the crowd.

"Leave that to us." She said.

Almost on cue Melissa, Stella and the boys made their way to us. I immediately reached to hug Jason. I missed him and his corny jokes. He laughed, twirling me around before putting me down. I gave Zach a light big before punching Jason's arm.

"Ow! What was that for woman?!" He grumbled rubbing the spot.

"No reason. I just felt like it." I chirped. He gave me an incredulous look.

Melissa lightly touched my arm.

"Be careful out there El. They're trained soldiers and you haven't had much training. Now I do believe in you and your abilities but they only work when you have access to the real you. Not that you aren't real now but you get my point." She said softly.

I loved Melissa's gentleness. Anything you put her through and she still will be the gentle, lovable soul that she is. A complete opposite from Hailey and I. I smiled and touched her cheek.

"I promise I will be careful for you Mel." I said. "Now you just stand here and cheer for me."

"These soldiers will not abandon the rules or go against their orders. But they will never let go an opportunity to get a better place in the Royal Army if it's handed to them. Take a few chances to observe their movements.
Their weak points, that's what you'll need to focus on." Zach said.

I nod thoughtfully. He was right. I will just have give everything I have in there. I will have to prove them that I'm capable of protecting them and being the ruler that they need.

Heartmate | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora