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Luke Hemmings. I always felt guilty and sorry for what I did to him. I never told him that we were "fake dating" like Calum had told Emily. He believed it was real and when I got back with Calum, he didn't say anything but, I knew it stung. I hadn't even officially broken up with him, it was just over without words. I remembered walking into the kitchen a couple nights after I had gotten back with Calum with his head in his hands, tears streaming down his face. I was too scared to say anything so I slowly backed away and ran back up to my room.

I had put him through so much emotional damage as every girl that came on to him was either rejected or just a hookup. I owed Luke so much, he never seemed to get the credit he deserved when it came to our friendship. Even after all of this bullshit, he still sang me to sleep when I cried over the crazy situation with Calum, Lilia, and her dad. He rubbed my back as I tried so hard to stop crying and sleep. He made sure I ate when all I wanted to do was cry. He was a shoulder and I had taken him for granted.

"This was for emergencies but", I pulled the pocket knife out of my clutch before beginning to crawl out from under the table.

"What the hell are you doing", Calum grabbed my foot.

"Your friend is in trouble and someone needs to do something! That's what friends do", I began getting defensive as the adrenaline rushed through me.

"You don't need to, one of those specially trained people will do something about it", Calum argued with me.

I looked at the scene, Lilia still hovering over Luke. I turned back to Calum, placing a short but passionate kiss on his lips, "I owe him. I put him through so much and the least I could do is attempt to save his life", I scurried out from under the table before another word could be said.

By now the shots had pretty much stopped and people were being taken into custody left and right. Turns out more than half or Lilia's family had criminal records! I still quietly made my way over to where Lilia stood over Luke.

"Lilia, we both know this has nothing to do with Luke. If anything, he's the most innocent one of our group", I held the knife behind my back, holding onto it for dear life.

"You're right, you're ten times more worthy of death then him", she spat at me with nothing but hatred.

I swallowed hard before slowly nodding, "Is that what you want? In front of all these FBI members", I let out a dry chuckle as she nodded, "Then do it", I stood slightly more calm, waiting for it.

"Nevermind", she put the knife to her side while her eyes trailed behind me. I hesitantly turned around to be met by Ricky, gold chains and all, with a gun in his hand.

I jumped slightly as he smirked deviously, "If today's the day I die, you're going with me."

Tears streamed down my face as my body lightly shook, it was bound to happen, "Fair", I choked out, "Can I please just...apologize to your daughter." His face slightly softened but he nodded as I turned to the side to make sure he didn't try anything while I wasn't looking. "Lilia, I'm not gonna lie: you're a bitch", I began as he held onto his gun tightly again, "But that doesn't mean I didn't do my fair share in being a real bitch", I defended, "I did you and Luke so wrong by walking in out of Calum's life to play some type of mind game. It's cliche, but I hope you can accept my apology...to you both", I didn't look up at all as the tears were falling harder. I turned back to Ricky and nodded.

"Summer", my friend's voices filled my ears as the trigger was pulled, the sound of death, but I waited for the pain. It never seemed to come though.

I looked up and found Ricky being tackled by several people with the 'FBI' logo on their backs. What did Ricky shoot then? I heard gasps and looked up to see Calum and my friends, frozen, looking down at the floor in front of me.

I hesitantly looked down to find Luke, lying completely still on his stomach.





jingle bells on that bitches

(lmao i'm jk, ily guys soooooo much! <3 )

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