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Song Suggestion: Palace by Sam Smith



"It's such a beautiful ring, isn't it Ricky", Lilia's stepmother, Marcia, gushed with her hand over the devil I called Mr James.

"Oh you guys better make your little speech", Ricky looked down at his gold watch before it gets too late", Mr James cleared his throat while ushering us onto the stage, Lilia in her gold dress.

We stepped onto the stage and all I saw was Summer, finishing her conversation and turning toward the stage with a sad smile on her face. It was forced and that hurt. It wasn't supposed to be like this: Summer was supposed to be up here next to me. Her parents were supposed to be the ones gushing and ushering us. We both knew it and for her to even be here was probably hurting her ten times more.

"I am so glad to be marrying this amazing guy", Lilia grabbed my face with a smile, "What we have is true love", she finished what I had missed due to me thinking about the real love of my life and handed me the mic.

"Uh...", I stuttered, staring at Summer who looked anywhere but me at this point. I looked from her to Mr James, I swear sweat was dripping down my face. "Uh huh", I nodded before taking a sip of my champagne and raising the glass, "Yum."

Mr James furrowed eyebrows immediately at the sight of Lilia beginning to get frustrated and embarrassed, "We really appreciate everyone coming", she took the mic and stalled for me, an anxious mess, "Imagine his face when I walk down the aisle!"

The crowd laughed light-heartedly, waiting for it to end just like me. Lilia tapped her foot impatiently as the room grew incredibly silent, not a word to be said. I caught Summer's eyes vaguely before she turned to Luke, locking her arm in his and nodding at me approvingly. It stung so bad but I knew she was telling me something, she was trying to make this easier for me? If anything, it had just become more difficult.

Once it had finally been over, I rushed off the stage and onto the patio. I untied my tie, letting it hand around my neck. My hair was definitely a mess but it didn't fucking matter at this point, it was the least of my worries. I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I looked out over the city. I couldn't breathe, my chest heaved and it began getting hot. I had no idea what was happening but a lump was growing in my throat. It felt as though someone had stabbed me repeatedly, I felt so lost and hurt. 

"What's wrong with you boy", a deep voice interrupted and grabbed me,  turning me around and pushing me up against the balcony, "You think it's okay to just go and embarrass my daughter like that? I told you if you made one wrong move you would--"

"Mind letting go of my kiwi friend", a voice directed Mr James.

He turned and immediately let go, "You better knock some sense into your buddy", he instructed an unphased Luke who held Summer on his arm, Ashton, Emily, Michael, and Crystal joining the party on the balcony (hence my sarcasm).

"I mean it's kind of hard to force love, don't ya think", Luke shrugged off, but Mr James remained unphased by his word. If I, or anyone else, had spoken like that, we would've been dead.

"Don't get smart with me", Mr James deadpanned to the blonde boy.

"I'm not being smart, I'm being wise", he corrected with his index finger while walking along with Summer in our direction, "Mind give us a minute", he asked Mr James.

He rolled his eyebrows but returned to the hall. I was thankful for Luke saving my ass but I had way too many questions. And curiosity and breakdowns didn't even sound like they would do my brain or heart any justice right now.

My eyes immediately fell to Summer and Luke's arms, locked. Without thinking I lunged toward Luke, pounding my fists into him. I must've been throwing weak punches as he hadn't even budged, "You fucking traitor!"

"We're teaching you a lesson mate, we're trying to help you", Luke tried to calm me down.

"And what would that be", I asked with tears threatening to spill, "Because this--that", I looked down at their arms, "Isn't making anything better."

"I....I", Luke couldn't speak. It's like he had something in mind, but was holding back.

Summer bit her lip, trying to hold back as well. I looked up to the rest of the gang, doing the exact same thing. I was an outcast within my friends. I don't know if you understand how bad that hurts, but I'd hope for no one to have to go through it. It felt like each of them had punched me, kicked me, slapped me. It felt like they had all spat on me and taunted me. I felt like they hated me.

I sighed at their silence. "Fuck it, fuck you guys", I began walking toward the hall.

"Cal I need you to hate me", I couldn't tell if her voice was stabbing or healing me. What she said had hurt, but hearing her speak to me had healed the wounds that I recently gained.

I stopped in my tracks, not wanting them to see me cry. I would feel ten times worse, it didn't seem possible but deep down I knew it was.

"I don't know what's gonna help you to accept the fact that this is it. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just saying that we know the deal. I really wish that we could go back and things would be different...but it obviously isn't", Summer spoke to me, but it hurt more.

I turned around in rage, "You're fucking stupid and I hate you", I shouted through tears accusingly. 

This wasn't her fault. If I hadn't cheated on Summer with Lilia in the first place, I wouldn't even be in this situation. It wasn't fair to blame Summer, who was probably hiding all of her emotions for my sake. She was obviously hurting, she couldn't even look me in the eye when we were in the hall. She hadn't spoken a word to me all night, which hurt...and when she did, they were hurtful words to me. It was the truth, but I wasn't ready to accept the truth.

"Stop", she said calmly.

"No! Because you're watching it all happen! If we can't be together, you can at least be my fucking friend! You can be here with me, not ignore me!" I swear I didn't mean a word I was saying, but only I knew that.

"Stop Cal", she repeated a little bit more sternly, but still holding her patience with me.

"You could at least look me in my fucking eye when I talk to you! Don't be so intimidated by her like you were when I was with her! You act as though....as though the world is still revolving around you! There are bigger issues than what you have going on. I have to spend the rest of my life with someone I hate, you can choose to love again. Maybe the universe was on my side with this one! I don't fucking need you and I guess this is what I needed to show me that you're a fucking bitch Summer", I screamed, causing them all to stand there in shock.

Summer stood in front of me with watery eyes, "Listen here Calum! It's not my fault that you can't be loyal and you feel the need to fuck around with someone every time you get butthurt or start falling off the 'relevant scale'. Looks like you fell too hard this time though", she smirked with a cross of her arms with a shake of her head. It was silent for a few seconds before I felt a sharp sting to my cheek, "And don't you ever call me out of my name again!"

I was speechless. I was full of regret. I should've listened when she told me to stop, I should've told them I hadn't meant it. 

But it was too late and they were already walking away, the only true and real people I had left.





aww :((((

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