"Jesus Sophie, why'd you do that?" Of course it was Blaine.

"Arghh." Zac groaned frustrated.

"What's going on here?" He asked seeing how close Zac and I were.


"Get lost." Zac cut me off. I smack his shoulder and frowned at him before turning back to Blaine.

"Aren't you the one who left her pregnant and to look after your kids on her own while still in school and just a teenager with no idea what to do and scared to her bones?" Blaine bit back and Zac's grip on me tighten.

"Listen-" Zac began harshly but I quickly stood between them seeing where this was leading to and I didn't want to explain to Kerri about the blood stains.

"Okaaaaay." I said putting my hands on Zac's chest. He was beyond angry, hearing Blaine's last comment really got to him. "Zac, why don't you go find the kids?" I asked pleading him with my eyes to leave.

"I'm not leaving you." He said not taking his glare away from Blaine.

"Please Zac? Get the kids and we can go home." This seemed to get his attention.

"Home?" He asked.

"Yes. Please Zac?" I pleaded one last time and thankfully he forced a nod.

"I'll be back in two minutes." He told me but sounded more like a warning to Blaine.

 "What are you doing Blaine? Why are you here?" I asked sighing.

"I came to sort things out between us. I know things got out of hand and I acted like a jerk but it was just that I really loved you Sophie and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you so when you rejected me that night I was heart broken."

Why does he have to make me feel guilty?

"Blaine, you knew I wasn't ready for marriage. I still had Wilson and Abby to look out for, you knew I couldn't handle that at that moment."

"We had been dating for nearly two years though." He said confused as to why I said no. "Oh, I get it." I frowned, get what?


"It was Zac wasn't it? No matter what you said your heart was always with him. Did you even love me?"

"What? Blaine yes of course I did. I just wasn't ready, I was still getting used to being a mum of two, two year olds."

"Then why did you say no?!"

"Blaine, I loved you but I guess I started seeing you as more of a friend. You're a great guy and I'm positive that one day one girl will say yes and you'll be glad I said no." He debated it. "Trust me."

"You love this guy then?" He asked.

"Yes." I admitted knowing the this guy meant Zac.

"Ok. Ok, I want you to be happy Sophie."

"Thank you Blaine."

"I'm here! Two mintues on the dot!" Zac said running in with Wilson and Abby giggling at his heels.

"You sure about this guy?" Blaine whispered and I nodded smiling wide.

"Ever since I got back from Spain all those years ago." I murmured.

"Alright then, you know where to find me if you get tired of Mr. Famous over here." He winked.

"I've got your number." I smiled as he went back to the party.

"Hey! I'm right here you know." Zac said as Blaine walked past him.

"I know. You know what, I'm actually going to miss his abs." I pouted and sighed.

"Seriously Sophie?" Zac asked with his jaw hitting the floor.


"Well, now you have my abs."

"Egh, they'll do I guess." I shrugged. "Hey my chickens, ready to go?"

"Mummy, we're not chickens." Wilson said shaking his head.

"Your not?" I said pretending to be confused and they laughed.

"No." Abby shook her head.

"Huh? You sure?" I asked as they both giggled and shouted yes.

"Ready to go?" Zac asked and I nodded.


"Well then lets go."


One more chapter left :O

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