Tied Down

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Hey. Sup.


"Hanzo, you need to conserve your energy. You're very weak and still in critical condition."

"Angela...he's dead. Jesse's dead..."

"I'm so sorry. I know it's unfortunate, but there's nothing we can do about it. We have to accept what happened, and what's more important now is your wound. We have to thoroughly clean it to kill off any potential infections."

"How do you expect me to forget him so easily? Have you not listened to a word I said? To the stories I just shared?" He dared to open an eye despite his stupor. "Do you know what it feels like to lose someone without saying goodbye? To lose them because of your own doing?"

Angela pursed her lips together as she paused in her task. "As a doctor in training, I'm exposed to situations like this all the time, watching people lament over a bereft loved one. And yet, despite all the countless partings I have to be a part of, I seem to be at ease. I don't feel grief pulling me to tears. But maybe that's just because I try so hard to keep things professional; maybe I just got so used with moving on as quickly as possible that I overlook the magnitude of the little things.

"I did listen, Hanzo, and I sympathize with you. But Jesse's gone. There's no use for blame."

After that, Hanzo said absolutely nothing. Not even a small squeak nor an audible intake of breath to signify his presence; Angela would have forgotten he was there with her had she not had her hands meticulously working themselves up the merman's lower ribs, the spot where the bullet had pierced into the skin.

Fortunately for the doctor, the bullet didn't go that far into the siren's body that it would have posed any fatal threats to the internal organs. Though the anatomy was undeniably new territory on Angela's part, she figured that at least half of his body would follow the laws of human anatomy. It didn't take a genius to realize that a siren was partly human, or that firing a bullet straight into any living organism was bound to give them serious damage.

"You've been holding that for a long time now," Angela mused quietly, finally gaining the confidence to look into the shallow depths of her patient's amber orbs, staring intently at the faded object pressed right onto his chest: the wide brimmed brown hat soiled with dried blood.

"It's all I have left of him," Hanzo muttered without a speck of vibrance adding cheer to his deep voice. "I thought he'd leave Jesse alone, he gave me his word-"


"-we had a deal...!"

The siren let off a loud hiss at the sudden stabbing sensation that struck him from the waist down. He could feel the beating of his heart all throughout every limb, and he could hear the roaring blood gushing into his head. He had thoughtlessly moved around in his agitation, and the pronounced movements triggered the healing wound that rested under the thick layers of bandages and clean cloth.

"Take it easy," the woman said gently, placing her smaller hands carefully upon Hanzo's scaly shoulder to help steady him to the position he was in before. "You shouldn't move a lot."

"I thought I could save Jesse." Hanzo was persistent with his vehement grieving and his muscles became taut under Angela's gentle push. "I was foolish enough to trust a human such as your friend. And because of my own foolishness-" he clutched the hat tighter under his hand. "Jesse is gone."

Hot tears of raw anger sprouted like crystal beads on the corners of Hanzo's eyes, and they fell in thick droplets down the sides of his angular visage. His once limp hands tightened into fists and they shook with such an overwhelming abhorration, Angela had to try and still him down into tranquility to make sure he wouldn't faint because of over exertion.

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