First Day On the Job

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Rebeza's AU on Tumblr. is just so dope I can't stop writing about it! Y'all better check it out, and her Mchanzo comics are fantastic.

Ok, back to the story! >:3

EDIT: Fixed everything because apparently Wattpad sometimes loses parts of my chapters.
Sorry about that loves.  -_-

With the medication diligently given to him by McCree, Hanzo regained most of his strength back in a matter of days. His tail curled and twisted and flapped, slippery as slime, as though it had never been hit by a freak harpoon in the first place. Having that said, the siren found himself awoken from his slumber one morning, only to be yanked up in a less-than-graceful manner and strapped with thick leader bindings that secured his muscular torso to the thick, metallic chains.

"Don't think I forgot about our little deal, sweetheart. Your end of the bargain starts today, and last I checked you owe me an entire chest of gold and diamonds." McCree chuckled, taking a cigar and igniting the tip with a silver lighter. Even with his eyes lidded and intent on the brown roll burning before his mouth, Jesse caught sight of Hanzo studying the insignificant action--from the push of his thumb to the eruption of the flame, the merman observed it all with a charming curiosity.

"You're gonna need to get me a ton of shit to make up for that stunt you pulled."

"This makes me wish I hadn't outsmarted you back at the market. It's utterly humiliating," Hanzo huffed, crossing his arms over the attire.

"Didn't know you fish folk could have feet," McCree commented, suddenly remembering their old encounter back at a merchant village near some secret dock in England. "Only knew you weren't truly human when you jumped back into the sea with my loot. Why'd ya do it anyway?"

A flicker of sorrow flashed across the siren's face, and he looked to the side, effectively hiding the countenance before turning it into one of indifference. "It's none of your business."

"I think it is considerin' it's my chest."

"You stole it, fool. You barbarians touch something and you immediately think it's yours."

"Hey! That's just the law of the wild, sweetheart: Finders keepers, losers weepers; you snooze, you lose," Jesse defended, feeling as though he was back in the olden days, being rebuked by his former captain. What was him name again? Gabriel de los Reyes? To hell with it, he couldn't care enough to remember.

"Whatever." Hanzo clicked his tongue. "If you want your treasure so badly, then I'll just get you a new one."

"You better," the pirate spat with a glare of his blue eyes. "I've called in a couple of guys to carry you out and throw you overboard. They should be here any moment."

"Well they're taking too long. I know fish with better migration schedules than those brutes you call your men."

Out of the blue, light sprang forth, and the door of the cabin slammed onto the wall with a thunderous force.

"Who ya callin' a brute, ya scoundrel?" a short, gruff man with an unevenly cut beard boomed from the entrance. A taller, lankier man followed suit, eyeing the merman in the glass with trauma evident in his orbs.

"Try not to break the door again, Seb," Jesse said under his breath as he kept his gaze on the man to make sure he wouldn't destroy anything else.

"Thomas, right?" Hanzo said, attempting to ease the young man's nerves, much to his surprise.

But the lad only looked away, quivering behind his esteemed captain. It earned him a tired sigh from McCree.

Seb walked around the siren's confinement with both deep eyes squinted in scrutiny. Oblivious to the racket his heavy footsteps were making on the wooden floor, the big man scratched at his stubby jaw before crouching low at the base of the glass rectangle on his third round. There, he tapped at the surface with his thick knuckles, and upon hearing dull thuds resonating back at him, he shook his head, stood back up, and kicked at the spot he had just looked over.

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