Shameless McCree

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Hanzo's half lidded gaze skated up and down, side to side, and all that greeted him was a shallow screen of clear water. Lifting himself from his supine position, the siren's head popped out of the water and he found himself to be in some sort of dark, cluttered room filled with dust, weapons, and haphazardly placed furniture.

"I see you're awake, darlin'." A deep voice, smooth and silky like dark chocolate, came from a figure sitting nonchalantly atop a thick mahogany table.

Startled, Hanzo's pupils immediately turned into slits, and the delicate fins on the sides of his head reared out like oriental fans. He hissed, and the gills under his jaw became much more distinct the more McCree looked at them.

Amused, the captain gave a chuckle and pulled the thick cigar out from his lips, blowing grey wisps of smoke that offended the merman's nostrils.
"What am I doing here?" Hanzo spat, trying to find a way out of his cramped confinement. A little nudge and his elbows would hit the glass walls; the length was sufficient only for accommodating most of his body. There was no room to swim, and to his dismay, the yellow end of his tail jutted through the water and flopped against the brim of the vessel like a person having trouble getting out of bed.

Way to make a guy feel special.

"You're welcome," McCree replied, successively catching the creature's intention."If I didn't take you back with me on this ship, you would have died on that godforsaken island from blood loss. Lucky for you it was I who found your sorry ass instead of some other sailor who'd sell you off to the circus."

"My ass wouldn't be sorry if it weren't for your bad aim," Hanzo countered, remembering the nasty wound inflicted on his tail. Lifting whatever he could out of the water, he saw that the gash had been treated and wrapped with meticulous expertise.

McCree hopped down to his feet. "For the record, I have the best aim in all the seven seas, and I wouldn't have hit you if you hadn't taken Thomas offboard!"

"The frail man? I thought he was at the edge of the ship because he wanted to die--I would have done him a favor had you not interrupted!"

"Thomas was not suicidal, he was drunk!"

"How was I supposed to know? I was just looking for my next meal."

Jesse's robust features softened. "Fine," he huffed, grabbing a bucket sitting nearby. "I figured I'll have ta feed ya if you're gonna work for us in the meantime."

"Work for you?" Hanzo's pale skin reddened with anger. "I refuse!"

A fish, slimy and raw, hit him square on the face before landing on the water with a small splash. It stared at its kin with bulging, lifeless eyes, until it had its head chewed off savagely by the siren.

"I won't let you go that easy." McCree clicked his tongue, circling his prey. "Not after what ya did to me four years ago."

The merman glared up at the cloaked figure and stood his ground--not that he could do otherwise.

"I didn't think you'd take it personally, pirate. After all, I was just doing what you do best: conning and taking advantage of fools."

The captain chuckled, fishing his trusty revolver from the holster hanging by his hip. He placed one of the barrels under the siren's chin and tilted it up, their faces only inches away from each other.

"Listen sweetheart," the captain began softly, his breath ghosting over Hanzo's tense lips. "I ain't no fool, and I certainly ain't one to forget. I'm gonna get what you took from me down to the tiniest bit even if it means keeping you for years."

Never taking his eyes off his prisoner, Jesse pulled away and straightened his six foot form, intimidating the merman more than he liked to admit.

"Now here's how it's gonna go down. I'll keep tendin' to your injury, and for a few hours everyday, you dive down and get as many pearls as you can. If we stumble upon a sunken ship, then--you get the gist. I'll let ya go as soon as you've paid your debt in full. That sound good to ya?"

"I guess I have no choice," Hanzo huffed with folded arms. "If it means I'll never have to see your face again, then I might as well agree."

"Just look all you want, darlin'. We have a lot of time." Jesse winked and flashed a lopsided grin.

To the siren's surprise, a second wave of red flushed the fairness out of his face. Why the hell does he keep calling me 'darling'? His shameless flirtation was starting to take a toll on Hanzo, and all he could do was shake his head to ease the flutter in his chest.

"How are you so certain I won't escape? Even a drunken sailor knows once you set a merperson back to sea, they'll either kill you or swim away--promise or not."

The captain spotted the underlying hint of a threat in his words and only chuckled, stepping to the side and bringing into the light a set of heavy chains neatly coiled like a python in slumber.

"Don't worry about a thing, darlin'. I got it covered."

Despite the tresses of wet black hair covering most of his eyes, Hanzo managed to roll them sarcastically, much to the pirate's amusement.

"I need to rest," was all he said, and the merman went down to lay on his back for the second time that day.

"No can do, darlin'," McCree said, grabbing a brown bottle that stood on the bedside table. "Doc said ya have to take this."

Hanzo resurfaced to watch the pirate twisting the bottle cap off and pouring its contents on to a metal spoon. At the sight of the oozing green liquid, his face twisted into one of disgust and confusion. There was no way that monstrosity was getting into his system!

"Get that away from me!" the merman hissed, orbs shrinking back into slits.

"Ya need to drink this twice a day to speed up the healin' process." Jesse replied, setting the spoon right in front of Hanzo's curled lips. It was proving to be a chore, and his patience was wearing thin.

"Maybe that doctor of yours is a sham. How could he possibly know the anatomical properties of a merman-"

Something cold and wet stuck itself into his mouth, and to his horror, Hanzo realized that the pirate took the opportunity of him ranting to force the medicament down without any hassle.

The siren gagged at the bitter and acrid aftertaste lingering on his tongue, destroying his taste buds one by one. He swore his face turned a sickly shade of green, and that he was going to die any minute now. It reached a point where he wasn't sure if it was bile or the syrup rising up his throat.

"See? That ain't too bad."

Hanzo wiped his mouth with a fierce swipe and glared at the pirate, silently praying for him to crumble and die.

"You can rest now, darlin'," McCree cooed, sauntering towards the entrance and stepping out with one last glance over his draped shoulder. "Don't miss me too much now."

Hanzo scoffed, not wanting to look at the captain, and when he heard the door clicking into place, the merman let off a heaved sigh and slumped his weight back into the shallow depth of his glassy prison.

"Please tell me this isn't real."

Oh it is Hanzo. I wonder how he'll fare in the upcoming chapters! Sorry if this was rather short and uneventful, but I hoped you guys still loved it!

Tune in for the next parts, loves! :*

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