Fish Grow Feet

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I think the chapter title is suggestive, yeah? XD

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote loves! :*

"Okay, pull 'im back up, boys!" Captain McCree yelled, looking at the four men that held the pulley's thick handle. Among of them was a familiar face, Seb, and judging from the grit in his teeth, he was not too keen on bringing the siren back on board.

Beside the helve was an improvised wide cylinder meant to gather a loop of the chain connected to Hanzo with each turn brought by the handle. It resembled more of a crane, really, only this one had a fulcrum instead of being purely a horizontal projection. The more the men at the side circled the helve, more chains would be gathered in the rotation, and ergo, the higher Hanzo would be brought up.

With him, hopefully, was some of the sunken treasure he promised to get.

He had thrown a worn canvas knapsack beforehand into the water for Hanzo to put whatever he could find in. At the moment, McCree expected a heavy sack, with the threads stretching and almost coming off the sides sort of thing. He rubbed his hands in anticipation and waited with a hairline of patience for the merman to come up.

Was it really the treasure he was so excited to see though?

The captain sneered at his own thought. Of course he wanted nothing more than to see the treasure! This was what it was all about in the first place--for gold, glory, and the occasional barrels of liquor.

"Here he comes, boss!" a crew member yelled, pointing at something overboard. "And it looks like he's got plenty of 'em gold."

"Is it a lot, Alonzo?" McCree found himself getting even giddier with the anticipation.

"It would be enough to last us all a month in luxury," the other mate confimed. "Maybe even get the ship a handsome new sail. That one's a little worn, don't you think so boss?"

"Anything for The Huckleberry, Alon-"

Jesse stopped in his tracks and stared in awe at the siren looming over the deck. They had hauled him far too high for their own good, and they needed to loosen some chain loops to bring him back down.

"Here, I'll get 'im," the captain offered, stretching his arms out to act as a nest for the descending merman to land on. Well, the treasure was his main and number one priority, but he guessed Hanzo's well-being also held some degree of importance in all this. If he so much as bruises his scaly butt, who knows how long until McCree would get another round of treasure!

"Easy, easy," the captain called out, watching the dangling merman above squirming in discomfort and burden. The worn bag did look heavy, and he even carried an ornate vase in one arm. McCree grinned in approval, mesmerized by the blinding glare of the high sun shining down on the piling loot.

At last, Hanzo was lowered enough to be set in the pirate's strapping arms. There, the rest of the crew grabbed and nabbed at the coins and artifacts off the merman's loose grasp. They examined and inspected it inside out just to be certain that this was the real deal. True enough, they weren't disappointed.

"Alright, darlin'. Let's get ya back inside." McCree smiled, swerving a heel to face the door of his quaint, little cabin. "Ya done well today. Can't wait to see what you'll do tomorrow."

"It's...sweltering," Hanzo panted, unwillingly pressing his face against his captor's stubby jaw in a desperate attempt of getting solace under a little bit of shade. Of all the times Jesse left his hat in the cabin, this one was by far the most horrendous.

"I'm sorry, Han." Jesse shrugged his shoulders as he jested, paying no regard to his prisoner's sagging weight. "Guess I'm just too much for some to handle."

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