The Next Doctor Pt. 1

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The TARDIS materialises under a nice medieval archway, in the falling snow. The Doctor and {Y/N} step out and smile, and walk into a busy Victorian market where sellers are calling out their wares. The policeman on the beat acknowledges them.

"Good afternoon."

"Hot chestnuts. Chestnuts."

"Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy. Oh, tidings"

"You there, boy. What day is this?" the Doctor asks.

"Christmas Eve, sir."

"What year?"

"You thick or something?"

"Oi. Just answer the question" {Y/N} says.

"Year of our Lord 1851, ma'am."

"Right. Nice year. Bit dull" the Doctor says.

"Doctor! Doctor!" {Y/N} and the Doctor look at each other.

"Who, me?" {Y/N} shrugs and they run towards the call.

"Doctor!" they find a dark-skinned young woman.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here?" the large double doors in the wall move and something snarls behind it "ooo. Ok, we've got it. Whatever's behind that door, I think you should get out of here."


"No, no. I'm standing right here. Hello" the Doctor waves.

"Don't be stupid. Who are you two?"

"I'm the Doctor, this is {Y/N}."

"Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor" {Y/N} says.

"Well, there can't be two of you" another man runs up "where the hell have you been?"

"Right then. Don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here then?" the man asks.

"Hold on, hold on. Who are you?" the Doctor asks.

"I'm the Doctor. Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only and the best. Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver" the next Doctor says.

"The what?" the Doctor asks.

"Now quickly, get back to the TARDIS."

"Back to the what?" the Doctor asks, {Y/N} looks at the two.

"If you could stand back, sir, ma'am. This is a job for a Time Lord."

"Job for a what lord?" the Doctor asks, the doors burst open and an animal with a Cyberman-style head is visible.

"Oh, that's different" the Doctor says.

"Oh, that's new" the next Doctor says, {Y/N} and the two Doctor's point their screwdrivers at it.

"Allons-y" both Doctor's say.

"I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight. Now step back, sir, ma'am" the beast leaps and lands way up the opposite wall. It has a furry body and metal hands and feet.

"Some sort of primitive conversion, like they took the brain of a cat or a dog" {Y/N} says.

"Well, talking's all very well. Rosita?"

"I'm ready" Rosita hands over a large coil of rope.

"Now, watch and learn" the rope is a lasso, and this next Doctor gets it around the beast in one try "excellent. Now then, let's pull this timorous beastie down to earth" the beast climbs higher, pulling him up with it.

"Or not" {Y/N} mutters.

"I might be in a little bit of trouble."

"Nothing changes. I've got you" the Doctor says, but the beast is strong enough to pull the pair of them off the ground.

"You idiots!" Rosita shouts as her and {Y/N} chase after them.

"Perhaps if you could pull?" the next Doctor says.

"I am pulling. In this position, I couldn't pull, could I?" the Doctor says, the beast leaps through a window into the top floor of the warehouse.

"Then I suggest you let go, sir."

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, Doctor. Don't you recognise me?"

"No, should I? Have we met? This is hardly the right time for me to go through my social calendar. Argh!" the beast pulls them in through the window.

"Whoa!" the Doctor says, and across the dusty floor, on their bottoms, to the opposite window "it's going to jump!" the Doctor says.

"We're goanna fall!" the next Doctor shouts as the beast leaps through the window. Rosita cuts the rope with a big axe, {Y/N} skids to a stop in front of both men. The sore men get up and the other Doctor starts laughing. Then him and the Doctor hug.

*Time skip*

"Well, I'm glad you think it's so funny. You're mad. Both of you. You could've got killed" Rosita says, {Y/N} laughs quietly.

"But evidently we did not. Oh, I should introduce Rosita. My faithful companion. Always telling me off."

"Well, they do, don't they? Rosita. Good name. Hello, Rosita" the Doctor says.

"Huh. Now I'll have to go and dismantle the traps. All that for nothing. And we've only got twenty minutes till the funeral, don't forget. Then back to the TARDIS, right?" Rosita says running off.

"Funeral?" the Doctor asks.

"Oh, long story. Not my own, not yet. Oh, I'm not as young as I was."

"Well, not as young as you were when you were me" the Doctor says.

"When I was who?"

"You really don't recognise me?"

"Not at all."

"But you're the Doctor. The next Doctor. Or the next but one. A future Doctor anyway. No, no, don't tell me how it happened. Although, I hope I don't just trip over a brick. That'd be embarrassing. Then again, painless. Worse ways to go. Depends on the brick, and where's {Y/N}?"

"You're gabbling, sir. Now might I ask, who are you, exactly?"

"No, I'm, er, I'm just. Smith. John Smith this is Mary. But I've heard all about you, Doctor. Bit of a legend, if I say so myself."

"Modesty forbids me to agree with you, sir. But yes. Yes, I am."

"A legend with certain memories missing. Am I right?" {Y/N} asks finally being able to butt into the conversation.

"How do you know that?"

"You've forgotten us" she says.

"Great swathes of my life have been stolen away. When I turn my mind to the past, there's nothing."

"Going how far back?" she asks.

"Since the Cybermen. Masters of that hellish wall-scuttler and old enemies of mine, now at work in London town. You won't believe this, Mrs Smith, but they are creatures from another world" {Y/N} goes wide eyed.

"Really. Wow."

"It's said they fell onto London, out of the sky in a blaze of light. And they found me. Something was taken. And something was lost. What was I like, in the past?"

"I don't think I should say. Sorry. Got to be careful with memory loss. One wrong word..." {Y/N} says.

"It's strange, though. I talk of Cybermen from the stars and you don't blink, Mister and Mrs Smith."

"Ah, don't blink. Remember that? Whatever you do, don't blink? The blinking and the statues? Sally and the angels? No?" the Doctor asks.

"You're a very odd man."

"Hmm, he still is. Something's wrong here" {Y/N} says.

"Oh, the funeral! The funeral's at two o'clock. It's been a pleasure, Mister and Mrs Smith. Don't breathe a word of it."

"Oh, but can't we come with you?"

"It's far dangerous. Rest assured, I shall keep this city safe. Oh, and, er merry Christmas, Mister and Mrs Smith" with that the next Doctor runs off.

"Merry Christmas, Doctor" {Y/N} says, a few seconds later her and the Doctor follow at a short distance.


~Bread 🍞

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