Coffee Anyone?

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"CATHY!" Her boss yelled.

Cathy came running through the door. She has never been late to work. Until today.

"I'm so, so sorry Mrs. Stait, I had trouble with my car and—"

"I don't want to hear it, get to work."

"Yes ma'am." Cathy grabbed her hat and apron, and began to work.


"Welcome to Dunkin Donuts, What can I get you today?" Cathy smiled at the costumer.

"I'll have a...." his voice faded out of Cathy's thoughts.

Cathy stared at the front door. Two large, scary men came walking towards the counter.

"Hey Gabby," Cathy grabbed her friends arm, "take over for me, I'm not feeling too well."

Before Gabby could protest, Cathy took off her hat and apron, and dashed out the back door towards her car.

She quickly unlocked her car, got in, and started the engine.

As soon as the car started, Cathy breathed. She began to pull out of the parking lot, when two familiar faces stopped her from doing so.

"Get out of the car Kane!" The tall man yelled.

"Why don't you move your fat ass out of my way before I run it over!"

The other man gave the taller man a baseball bat. Cathy's eyes widened.

Glass sprayed all over her. A hand quickly unlocked the car door and forcefully threw Cathy out onto the gravel.

"Who do you think you are?!" Cathy screamed at the two men.

The taller man brought his baseball bat back, ready to take a swing at her. When a male voice stopped him.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

The two men turned around.

"What are you going to do about it pretty boy?" They started to laugh.

"Same thing I always do to bad people like you."

They started laughing again.

Cathy was fed up with this!

Cathy stood up, brushed herself off, and did what any stupid person would do.

"Hey fatty." Cathy got into a fighting position.

The tall man turned around just to get a small fist to his face.

Surprisingly, it sent him back.

Cathy was shocked, then her hand bursted with pain.

"Owww!" Cathy shook her hand.

The blonde man began to fight the taller man, while Cathy fought the shorter one.

She swung, missed. Swung again, missed again. When Cathy swung a third time, the shorter man caught her fist in his right hand.

"Not so tough now are we?" The shorter man smiled down at her.

"Let me go!" Cathy tried to jerk her fist free, but the man tightened his grip.

Before Cathy could realize it, the shorter man swung his fist towards her face. She tried to dodge it, but, it was too late.

The impact sent her stumbling backwards. She wasn't ready for that.

Her vision faded in and out.

"Geez...." Cathy's voice echoed.

The shorter man came after her again. But, the blonde guy jumped on him and took him by surprise.

Cathy stumbled and fell on her butt. The only thing she could do was watch.

The blonde man sent a few punches towards the shorter man. And that's when the fight was done. They weren't unconscious, but they were badly beaten up to the point where they just ran away.

The blonde man came over to Cathy and helped her off the ground.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, just wasn't expecting that kind of a hit."

"You did send a pretty nice blow to that taller man." The blonde guy moved his hair out of his face.

"Thanks, for helping me and all." Cathy put a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

"What's your name?" The blonde asked Cathy.

She smiled As she walked to her car.

"You first."

"It's Angus Macgyver."

"Well, Angus—"

"Just call me Mac." The blonde said.

"Well, Mac, my name is Cathy Kane."

"Pleasure to meet you miss Kane." He smiled.

Cathy got into her car and closed the door.

"But seriously though, thank you Mac."

"No problem." He replied.

"See you later." Cathy started the engine and drove off. Something told her that Mac was going to be a regular at Dunkin Donuts.

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