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It's Saturday and I'm not in a great mood people. Today is my late mother's anniversary and it is the first time I'm spending it far from her. The family obviously knows that today I am to be left alone. My mom, she suffers the most because she doesn't know how to console and comfort both her husband and daughter during this day. As much as she wants to come to us, she has to wait for us to go to her. She understands though and with that so does my siblings. They leave us, me and my dad alone.
I thought it would be wise to seek comfort from my boyfriend and so I decided to lift some burden from my mom and let her comfort my dad today.  She knew I was safe since she knows the Shiners are good people who will take care of me or better yet call if something happens. I drove to Adrian's home to see him and maybe talk about this with him since I thought it was the right time to do that. Getting there, I was welcomed of course and directed to A's room by his mom since she was home that day.  I walked the flight of stairs and because I was so used to just going in his room without knocking I did just that. On the bed, was Adrian and Karla making out.  I screamed and I'm not sure how the rest of the family got there but Adrian's mom was not happy to see the sight either.  I just walked out of the mansion with his mom apologizing the whole time. I did tell her it was fine and just drove off to anywhere but there. The whole time I was balling my eyes out and the tears just did not seem to end.
I found myself at the Worthington mansion and Charllete received me with open arms. I told them not to tell Issa that I was around and with that my wishes were met easily. The comfort I was seeking came in form of Charllete who was just the sweetest with me.  She listened to me and told me everything I wanted to hear.  I couldn't have survived the day if it wasn't for her. I was super thankful to her and her family and I immediately went home after since I didn't want to be confronted by Issa. He didn't know that I was in his home that day, and until I tell him, he will never know.
Reaching home was not pleasant at all because I'm guessing A's mom called my mom and told her the situation, well not all of it really, she just said there was a situation and therefore I had to explain that to my parents. I know my mom felt sorry for me especially because she knew how much I liked Adrian and just like that I became a burden to her again. It was not a fun day.

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