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As days went by Hannah found herself wanting to solve Issa's mystery more and more. The fact that she hadn't talked to the cute guy was also bothering her... Girls' problem. Well today was going to be the day she talks to the cute guy. She dolled up and got ready to impress what she referred to as her future husband. Anyone who got into her head would laugh because she sure had a wild imagination.

The ride to school was filled with Disney love songs and all her siblings could do was shake their heads... SMH.  Harlem bid his sisters goodbye and went to his French class. Down the hall the sisters went until they reached C.J's History class and you could clearly see she was not excited at all. Hannah kissed her forehead and bid her good luck. C. J just nodded with a sad smile and went inside the classroom where she greeted her new friend Emma. Hannah was now a little jealous since she didn't have a friend yet,  well technically she did,  you know, Issa, the guy she hangs out with, well he shows her around but like who cares,  she knows he doesn't care. She just sighed and went on with her business.
Like she had promised herself, today was the day she was going to talk up the cute guy with the beautiful eyes. Lucky for her (  My name is Lucky... Hehe 😈) heaven and the angels were with her that day.  So during lunch break, she was standing in line waiting for Issa to join her when cute guy walked up to her.
" Hey, where did Trent go today...  If you don't have anyone to sit with, you can sit with us...  That table over there." cute guy said with a smile. Hannah took a minute to register who Trent was but once she got the hang of it she smiled boldly.
"Huh yeah thanks I think I'll join you guys, Issa is no where to be found..." she said nervously. It was cute guy's turn to register who Issa was. It was going to be a long lunch indeed.

She got her lunch and joined cute guy who she learned was named Adrian and his friends, Carl, Mayo and Kimmy. They hit it off with Kimmy immediately and decided to hang out after school. Issa did not show up for lunch which was a bit disappointing but she just brushed it off and enjoyed the company of her new friends. She later met the rest of Adrian's teammates, John, Andrew, Tristan, Eric, Jude, Lito, Lucas,  Thomas and Pierre. They played basketball and Hannah promised to come watch them practice one day. Today she made a total of thirteen friends not counting Issa who would be the fourteenth, her favorite number.

Hey what's good? So I'm back and I hope y'all enjoy this new chapter... Anyway Immana try and update as frequently as possible so...yeah.

Peace out and Respect

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