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Jet lag was what was killing Hannah the most but other than that she was happy that she got to see her dad after three weeks of being apart. When they arrived in New York, their stuff was already unpacked and put in their respective rooms and so it was easier for them to just relax and enjoy the weekend before school on Monday.
She did most of the sleeping since they arrived on Friday and only really got to hang out with her siblings on Sunday. They went out to the mall to check out the shops since most of their weekends were gonna be spend there or the park or at home. The mall was big and had all types of shops from fashion, to drinks,to food, to music, to phones, to movie theaters, and even not just one gym but four.
After a whole day of just walking around and familiarizing themselves with the City, the siblings finally went home to prepare for the next day,  their first day of school with new people, new everything. The younger ones Harlem and C.J seemed excited to join a new school and make new friends and all Hannah could manage to do was roll her eyes.
The family had dinner together. They talked about everything and anything, until it was time for everyone to disperse to their rooms for a goodnight sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day for Hannah that's for sure and she wasn't a bit excited about it. After all everyone hates Mondays.

I know this is shorter than the first one but trust,  we're about to get into the good stuff 😈😈😈

Peace out and Respect

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