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After class I got my stuff and just walked out. Out side stood Issa looking unimpressed as ever with a light scowl on his face. I smiled at him just to show that I noticed him and he just replied with ' let's go ' and walked away.
" So like, what's your deal? " I asked wanting to know why he was so anti social and everything.
" I don't know what you're talking about and honestly I don't know what you want me to say to you right now. I mean we just met so... " he replied trailing off. After that I just followed him to my next class which we shared.

As she sat down, she remembered the guy she saw in class,  the one with the beautiful eyes and she sighed rather loudly I might add.  Issa looked at her weirdly then went back to whatever he was doing on his phone.
Not long after Hannah busied herself, the cute guy walked in. Their eyes met once more and he smiled her way which made Hannah all giddy inside. He wanted to come over and say hi but once he saw who was sitting next to Hannah, he changed his mind. Not that he hated Trent, they were just so different that he didn't see the need to know him that well, plus he had heard some stories from people that the guy was bad news,  whatever that means.
Class was simple for Hannah since she had read and analyzed Romeo and Juliet for like the Fiftyth time, if she was even still counting. She noticed that Issa could also hold his own since he was the one answering most of the questions. She was intrigued by him. She found herself wanting to know who he was and why he acted the way he did.  All uninterested yet it clearly showed he was interested in a lot of things. He was simply a mystery she was going to try and solve.

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