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The art gallery showing was A- amazing, I literally can't believe that was yesterday. Issa was so weird with me too and that made me not to have any sleep last night at all. 
" You're not stupid Rio, I know you know what's happening now,  so don't even pretend with me..." Issa said as he kept coming closer and closer to me. I ended up in the pool people, the pool with cold, cold water. ( hey the Biebs😂😂😂) That's why I didn't get any sleep, because a certain someone kept invading my dreams,  well nightmares anyway because all I saw in my head was cold water and confusion. 
I woke up, not that I slept anyway, prepared myself and ate breakfast with my family. My siblings and I drove off to school shortly after. Harlem seemed particularly happy this morning, something to do with hanging out with his friend Eli. On the other hand, C. J looked the same but something was off because when Harlem mentioned Eli, there was a certain blush that creeped up on the girl's cheeks. Uh oh home girl has a crush on Eli. We reached school and Lem ( short for Harlem) ran off to God knows where ( Billy Eilish - Bored) and I held CJ before she could escape.
" So, Eli huh?"
" No Riola please don't do this to me, and also it will never happen okay, the kid is younger than me and he's friends with Lemmy I can't possibly like him... " she said out of breath.
" Hey,  it's okay. So what if you're older than him,  look the heart wants what it wants okay,  just don't play cat and mouse with him okay,  if y'all like each other, go for it. Lem will understand with time.  I love you, Lem loves you, so it's going to be fine, okay?"
" Okay,  I love you too." She said whilst we got out of the car to head to our respective classes.
" Did you know, mum's older than dad? " I asked trying to lighten up the mood.
"Yeah by like two years..." CJ said rolling her eyes but with a hint of a smirk.
" My point is, it doesn't matter who's older as long as you like each other, so don't avoid Eli because Lem and him are coming our way right now."
" Riola  you should have warned me earlier!!!" she whisper-shouted at me.  I just smiled and left them to be awkward with each other, but not before saying hi to Eli and teasing CJ a little. I love my siblings...
Okay I'm in a good mood right,  and I get to class and the smile I once dorned like two seconds ago disappears from my lips.  In class making out are Adrian and Karla a classmate I'm yet to talk to. I was fuming because once Adrian noticed me,  he didn't even seem to care. Then it had to be that Issa walked in class right after I did and saw everything. Kimmy and Carl were there too and they seemed surprised as to what Adrian was trying to pull off. The teacher ended up coming into class before any explanations were given. I just sat down next to Kimmy and class begun. You can imagine I didn't listen to anything that was being taught. Issa kept staring at me, as if to make sure I was okay. Everything was literally going to shit right in front of my eyes.
My morning classes were over and it was lunch time. A perfect time to get an explanation from Adrian. Well he was nowhere to be found. I brushed it off and went ahead with my afternoon classes. After they were over,  I headed to the gym to confront him and guess what? He's there making out with Karla again... Okay calm down Rio, He's not like you guys are dating anyway.
" Hey guys? " I greeted no one in particular and sat down beside Kimmy.
" Hi I'm Karla, Adrian's new girlfriend, his ex cheated on him just this Sunday, can you imagine that bitch, they hadn't even dated for long..."
" Huh... You're talking to that bitch right now and she didn't cheat on him, he did on her,  with you!" I said trying to stay calm.
" Then why were you at the gallery party with Trent on Sunday Hannah?"
" What are you talking about, Ms Dot invited me to meet Charlette and Issa just happened to be there, and what?  I can't hang out with my friends now? " I was about to spazz out now.
" Your friends that try to kiss you when your boyfriend is in the same room? "
" What?  Did you not see the part where I pushed him off and in the process ended up in a pool with cold water?  Ugh!  You know what, why am I even explaining myself to you?  You're clearly an idiot and I'm so glad you hadn't asked me out yet because this makes it easier for me to leave." I scream-shouted at Adrian.
He was a bit dumb founded and couldn't utter a word so that was the perfect time for me to go.
" You're an idiot Adrian... Carl you coming?" Kimmy said following me.
" Yeah babe... A, ( Adrian's nick name) dude you did something messed up yo, when you cool off come find me okay?" Carl being the best friend he is said to Adrian and left.
It's going to be a  long night for me today. And to top it all off, Issa and his family are joining mine for dinner tonight. Apparently grandma Worthington took a liking to me and invited the rest of my family over to her house to hang out... Yaaay.  Someone kill me already....

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